PEMAHAMAN POLITIK ISLAMSTUDI TENTANG WAWASAN PENGURUS DAN SIMPATISANPARTAI POLITIK BERASAS ISLAM DI MALANG RAYAPolitical Understanding Islam Study on the Management Insights and InvestigatorsPolitical Parties berasas Islam in MalangIshomuddinPascasarjana, Pendidikan Agama Islam, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangEmail: ishom_umm@yahoo.comABSTRACTIn the Islamic discourse there is a difference between politics and political Islam. The word politicsis always associated with the concepts and the order of life rooted in the scientific community and theWestern tradition. While the term political Islam is a typical term that refers to the Islamic concepts,especially the terms that appear in the time of Prophet Muhammad and his followers. Islamic poli...