The number of transistors in one chip is increasing following Moore’s conjecture which says that the number of transistors per chip doubles every two years. Current systems are so complex that chip design and specific software development for one chip take too much time even if software development is done in parallel with the design of the hardware architecture, often because of system integration issues. To help reducing this time, the general solution consists of using virtual platforms to reproduce the behavior of the target chip. The simulation speed of these platforms is a major issue, especially for many-core systems in which the number of programmable cores is really high. We focus in this thesis on native simulation. Its principle ...
International audienceIntegration of multiple heterogeneous processors into a single system-on-a-chi...
Le développement du système électronique de puissance dans le transport électrique est poursuivi sou...
The work of this thesis lies in the context of real-time embedded systems. These systems require sig...
The number of transistors in one chip is increasing following Moore’s conjecture which says that the...
Le nombre de transistors dans une puce augmente constamment en suivant la conjecture de Moore, qui d...
L'intégration de plusieurs processeurs hétérogènes en un seul système sur puce (SoC) est une tendanc...
Integration of multiple heterogeneous processors into a single System-on-Chip (SoC) is a clear trend...
Integration of multiple heterogeneous processors into a single System-on-Chip (SoC) is a clear trend...
International audienceSince 2004, the trend in the semiconductor industry is to increase the number ...
Modern embedded systems are endowed with a high level of parallelism and significantprocessing capab...
Modern embedded systems are endowed with a high level of parallelism and significantprocessing capab...
Modern embedded systems are endowed with a high level of parallelism and significantprocessing capab...
Modern embedded systems are endowed with a high level of parallelism and significantprocessing capab...
System On Chip modeling is based on software specification, hardware modeling, and software to hardw...
Les systèmes embarqués modernes intègrent des dizaines, voire des centaines, de cœurs sur une même p...
International audienceIntegration of multiple heterogeneous processors into a single system-on-a-chi...
Le développement du système électronique de puissance dans le transport électrique est poursuivi sou...
The work of this thesis lies in the context of real-time embedded systems. These systems require sig...
The number of transistors in one chip is increasing following Moore’s conjecture which says that the...
Le nombre de transistors dans une puce augmente constamment en suivant la conjecture de Moore, qui d...
L'intégration de plusieurs processeurs hétérogènes en un seul système sur puce (SoC) est une tendanc...
Integration of multiple heterogeneous processors into a single System-on-Chip (SoC) is a clear trend...
Integration of multiple heterogeneous processors into a single System-on-Chip (SoC) is a clear trend...
International audienceSince 2004, the trend in the semiconductor industry is to increase the number ...
Modern embedded systems are endowed with a high level of parallelism and significantprocessing capab...
Modern embedded systems are endowed with a high level of parallelism and significantprocessing capab...
Modern embedded systems are endowed with a high level of parallelism and significantprocessing capab...
Modern embedded systems are endowed with a high level of parallelism and significantprocessing capab...
System On Chip modeling is based on software specification, hardware modeling, and software to hardw...
Les systèmes embarqués modernes intègrent des dizaines, voire des centaines, de cœurs sur une même p...
International audienceIntegration of multiple heterogeneous processors into a single system-on-a-chi...
Le développement du système électronique de puissance dans le transport électrique est poursuivi sou...
The work of this thesis lies in the context of real-time embedded systems. These systems require sig...