We present a procedure for enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of shallow seismic reflection data based on two different steps: 1) an acquisition step that requires the recording of closely spaced common source records with standard source and receiver equipment and 2) a processing step where weighted or un-weighted source and receiver arrays are simulated on the basis of required needs for source related noise attenuation and depth penetration. The data acquisition can be carried out employing single source-single geophone recordings, with a standard 24 or 48-channel equipment. Simple energy sources such as weight drop or sledgehammer are considered. The design and application of the spatial filters in the processing phase is very fl...
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "http://library.seg.org".Seismic...
Providing reliable results in understandable form is challenging for ultrasonic nondestruc-tive eval...
[1] We present a method for the measurement of spatially variable signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios in mu...
We present a procedure for enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of shallow seismic reflection d...
We present a procedure for enhancing the data quality of shallow seismic data based on two different...
We present a procedure for enhancing the data quality of shallow seismic data based on two different...
In recent years, reflection seismics has increasingly been extended to near surface investigations t...
High-resolution shallow seismic reflection surveys require more attention to the choice of source an...
Abstract the density and seismic velocity of the medium, changes in either of which can cause a refl...
The goal of this thesis work is the processing of 3D seismic reflection land data acquired in a comp...
At the Gypsy Outcrop Site, OK, the depth of interest is less than 100 ft. 2-D seismic surveys used a...
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "http://library.seg.org".The res...
Steeples* The results of a seismic reflection profiling exercise are strongly dependent upon paramet...
An effective geophone-to-ground couple is often difficult to achieve in loose sediment. Unconsolidat...
This numerical modeling study examines the use of seismic interferometry to retrieve weak seismic re...
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "http://library.seg.org".Seismic...
Providing reliable results in understandable form is challenging for ultrasonic nondestruc-tive eval...
[1] We present a method for the measurement of spatially variable signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios in mu...
We present a procedure for enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of shallow seismic reflection d...
We present a procedure for enhancing the data quality of shallow seismic data based on two different...
We present a procedure for enhancing the data quality of shallow seismic data based on two different...
In recent years, reflection seismics has increasingly been extended to near surface investigations t...
High-resolution shallow seismic reflection surveys require more attention to the choice of source an...
Abstract the density and seismic velocity of the medium, changes in either of which can cause a refl...
The goal of this thesis work is the processing of 3D seismic reflection land data acquired in a comp...
At the Gypsy Outcrop Site, OK, the depth of interest is less than 100 ft. 2-D seismic surveys used a...
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "http://library.seg.org".The res...
Steeples* The results of a seismic reflection profiling exercise are strongly dependent upon paramet...
An effective geophone-to-ground couple is often difficult to achieve in loose sediment. Unconsolidat...
This numerical modeling study examines the use of seismic interferometry to retrieve weak seismic re...
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "http://library.seg.org".Seismic...
Providing reliable results in understandable form is challenging for ultrasonic nondestruc-tive eval...
[1] We present a method for the measurement of spatially variable signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios in mu...