pada berbagai kelompok umur dan penduduk. Diantara masalah-masalah tersebut, kckurangan yitamin A, anemia defisiensi besi dan 8an88uan Pertumbuhan pada anak-anakprasekolahpadawaktu ini mendapat perhatian khusus. Prevalensi kekurangan vitamin A pada tahun 1985-1988 sebesar 0,077o, 7 kali lebih besar dari "cut offpoint " 0,0lVo yang ditetapkan WHO (1976). Survai mengenai kurang vitamin A secara nasional pada tahun 1994 menunjukkan prevalensi (0.005%) yang lebih rendah dari pada l<riteria (0.011o) yang ditetapkan WHO ( 1976) untuk anak prasekolah dan lebih rendah secara bermakna dari prevalensi 6 tahun yang lalu (0.07Vo). Anemin defisiensi besi didapati pada 60,5Vo arutk 6-24 buLon dan 29,87o pada kelompok 24-60 bulan, sedangkan 4...
The 2000 Vietnamese National Nutrition Survey showed that the population's dietary intake had improv...
Childhood malnutrition is known as a public health concern globally. The present study aims to asses...
Children of 1 - 5 years old often face nutrition problems such as undernourishment, vitamin A and zi...
Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world including devel...
Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world including devel...
In Cambodia, micronutrient deficiencies remain a critical public health problem. Our objective was t...
Latar belakang: Defisiensi vitamin A sub-klinis dan anemia merupakan masalah gizi utama di Indonesia...
In Cambodia, micronutrient deficiencies remain a critical public health problem. Our objective was t...
Background : The prevalence of stunting in Indonesian elementary school children is still high. It h...
In order to understand the changes in immunological function in rural preschool children with lower ...
Zat besi dan vitamin A mempunyai peran penting dalam pertumbuhan anak. Kekurangan kedua zat gizi ter...
Background : The prevalence of stunting in Indonesian elementary school children is still high. It ...
ABSTRACT Vitamin A and E status was studied in five groups (satisfactory growth, re-duced growth, ni...
Background: Children in school-age are categorized as sensitive group who are in the second fast gro...
ABSTRACF A group of 134 schoolchildren aged 3-9 y, with signs ofconjunctival xerosis, from the rural...
The 2000 Vietnamese National Nutrition Survey showed that the population's dietary intake had improv...
Childhood malnutrition is known as a public health concern globally. The present study aims to asses...
Children of 1 - 5 years old often face nutrition problems such as undernourishment, vitamin A and zi...
Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world including devel...
Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world including devel...
In Cambodia, micronutrient deficiencies remain a critical public health problem. Our objective was t...
Latar belakang: Defisiensi vitamin A sub-klinis dan anemia merupakan masalah gizi utama di Indonesia...
In Cambodia, micronutrient deficiencies remain a critical public health problem. Our objective was t...
Background : The prevalence of stunting in Indonesian elementary school children is still high. It h...
In order to understand the changes in immunological function in rural preschool children with lower ...
Zat besi dan vitamin A mempunyai peran penting dalam pertumbuhan anak. Kekurangan kedua zat gizi ter...
Background : The prevalence of stunting in Indonesian elementary school children is still high. It ...
ABSTRACT Vitamin A and E status was studied in five groups (satisfactory growth, re-duced growth, ni...
Background: Children in school-age are categorized as sensitive group who are in the second fast gro...
ABSTRACF A group of 134 schoolchildren aged 3-9 y, with signs ofconjunctival xerosis, from the rural...
The 2000 Vietnamese National Nutrition Survey showed that the population's dietary intake had improv...
Childhood malnutrition is known as a public health concern globally. The present study aims to asses...
Children of 1 - 5 years old often face nutrition problems such as undernourishment, vitamin A and zi...