Il presente lavoro si propone di presentare Sweet Tooth, romanzo scritto da Ian McEwan e pubblicato nell'agosto del 2012, nella sua struttura generale, dalla trama ai generi letterari che lo caratterizzano. Questa analisi mostra come l'opera possa essere considerata un punto di approdo nella carriera dell'autore, che non a caso vi inserisce anche numerosi riferimenti autobiografici. Dopo questo quadro generale, il lavoro si concentra su un aspetto specifico di Sweet Tooth, vale a dire la contaminazione tra fact e fiction: McEwan inserisce nel romanzo figure storiche, luoghi reali ed eventi che hanno fatto la Storia dell'Inghilterra degli anni Settanta, e fa sì che questi elementi dialoghino ed interagiscano con i personaggi e le situazioni ...
Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der Rolle der Frau in den gewählten Werken auseinander. Die We...
Representing our body has a pivotal role in our experience of the external world. The point, however...
Diese Studie hinterfragt die gängige Interpretation von Kinderarbeit durch die nähere Betrachtung vo...
Die Arbeit untersucht mittels detaillierter Einzelanalysen die postmodernen illusionsstörenden Erzäh...
Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftige sich mit einigen Themen in Bezug auf das Fluchen. Hierbei ist der mod...
A good number of sources inform us that the literary form of the Platonic dialogues could descend fr...
This dissertation investigates Military life in Italy. Sketches by Edmondo De Amicis and its three e...
The present work aims at analysing the dimension of “modesty” (pudore), starting from a sociological...
Literatur entsteht nie unabhängig von Gesellschaft. In meiner Diplomarbeit beschäftige ich mich mit ...
The aim of the thesis is to analyze, from the cognitive perspective, the phenomena of alternation (...
Women’s history, especially in the political arena, requires fuller treatment by research in histori...
This work deals with figurative language and analogy as a thinking frame within the poetic enuncia...
This study analyses some autobiographies written by semi-educated writers who have crossed the bound...
Although mythological exemplum was frequently used in poetry, it has never been the subject of a com...
The aim of this exegesis is to provide a deeper understanding of Andre Jolivet' s intentions for th...
Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der Rolle der Frau in den gewählten Werken auseinander. Die We...
Representing our body has a pivotal role in our experience of the external world. The point, however...
Diese Studie hinterfragt die gängige Interpretation von Kinderarbeit durch die nähere Betrachtung vo...
Die Arbeit untersucht mittels detaillierter Einzelanalysen die postmodernen illusionsstörenden Erzäh...
Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftige sich mit einigen Themen in Bezug auf das Fluchen. Hierbei ist der mod...
A good number of sources inform us that the literary form of the Platonic dialogues could descend fr...
This dissertation investigates Military life in Italy. Sketches by Edmondo De Amicis and its three e...
The present work aims at analysing the dimension of “modesty” (pudore), starting from a sociological...
Literatur entsteht nie unabhängig von Gesellschaft. In meiner Diplomarbeit beschäftige ich mich mit ...
The aim of the thesis is to analyze, from the cognitive perspective, the phenomena of alternation (...
Women’s history, especially in the political arena, requires fuller treatment by research in histori...
This work deals with figurative language and analogy as a thinking frame within the poetic enuncia...
This study analyses some autobiographies written by semi-educated writers who have crossed the bound...
Although mythological exemplum was frequently used in poetry, it has never been the subject of a com...
The aim of this exegesis is to provide a deeper understanding of Andre Jolivet' s intentions for th...
Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der Rolle der Frau in den gewählten Werken auseinander. Die We...
Representing our body has a pivotal role in our experience of the external world. The point, however...
Diese Studie hinterfragt die gängige Interpretation von Kinderarbeit durch die nähere Betrachtung vo...