I. Strabo, who held Ephorus in high esteem (the Geographer is the most important source of his fragments after Diodorus), exploits most of all the first books of his Histories (I-III and IV-V, of mythographic and antiquarian/geographical nature respectively) in order to describe the ancient history of each greek region; an alternative source is the Commentary to the Homeric Catalogue of ships of Apollodor of Athens. The latter work informs Strabo if the (more ancient) Ephorean version is outdated or not. II. Strabo\u2019s Delphic essay (IX 3, 5-12) is to ascribe to Ephorus, quoted at the end (parr. 11-12), because of many reasons: the antiquarian nature of the essay; internal unity; complementarity with Ephorus\u2019 quotation, who narrates...