Author Institution: Department of Physics, University of New Brunswick; Laboratoire Aim\'e Cotton du CNRS, Universit\'eA de Paris–SudThe rovibronic structure of the double minimum states of $H_{2}$ exhibits the effects of strong interactions. these interactions couple rotational, vibrational, and electronic motion, and are of such a magnitude that the Born-Oppenheimer picture is not even approximately correct. In fact predictions, for vibronic energies based on the straightforward solution of the one dimensional Schrodinger equation on the Born-Oppenheimer potential energy curves disagree with experiment by hundreds of wavenumber units. Two theoretical approaches hove been used to study the rovibronic structure of the fundamental system. D...
Author Institution: Physics Division, National Research Council of CanadaIn the Born-Oppenheimer app...
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, State University of New YorkAbnormally low energy level...
The binding energies of the hydrogen atom are given by the Rydberg formula_x000d_ $$E_n = - frac{mat...
Author Institution: Department of Physics, University of New Brunswick; Laboratoire Aim\'e Cotton du...
Author Institution: Laboratorium fur Physikalische Chemie, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland; Lab...
$^{1}$ Ch. Jungen and O. Atabek, J. Chem. Phys. 66, 5584 (1977). $^{2}$ D. R. Bates, U. \""{O}pik an...
The multichannel-quantum-defect theory (MQDT) of the Stark effect is applied to the simulation of tr...
Author Institution: ETH Zurich, Laboratorium fur Physikalische Chemie, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 10, 80...
Author Institution: Physical Chemistry LaboratoryThe excited $^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+}$ states of the $H_{...
A new model for a class of heteronuclear diatomic molecules is presented. This model readily combine...
$^{1}$ P. Quadrelli, K. Dressler, and L. Wolniewicz. J. Chem. Phys. (in press).Author Institution: P...
A new spectrum of the autoionizing triplet states of gerade symmetry of H<sub>2</sub> has been recor...
In this work, we use the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, where the potential between atoms can be ap...
H$_2^+$ is the simplest of all molecules and as such an important system for the development of mole...
Author Institution: Division of Pure Physics, National Research Council of CanadaIn a Rydberg state ...
Author Institution: Physics Division, National Research Council of CanadaIn the Born-Oppenheimer app...
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, State University of New YorkAbnormally low energy level...
The binding energies of the hydrogen atom are given by the Rydberg formula_x000d_ $$E_n = - frac{mat...
Author Institution: Department of Physics, University of New Brunswick; Laboratoire Aim\'e Cotton du...
Author Institution: Laboratorium fur Physikalische Chemie, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland; Lab...
$^{1}$ Ch. Jungen and O. Atabek, J. Chem. Phys. 66, 5584 (1977). $^{2}$ D. R. Bates, U. \""{O}pik an...
The multichannel-quantum-defect theory (MQDT) of the Stark effect is applied to the simulation of tr...
Author Institution: ETH Zurich, Laboratorium fur Physikalische Chemie, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 10, 80...
Author Institution: Physical Chemistry LaboratoryThe excited $^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+}$ states of the $H_{...
A new model for a class of heteronuclear diatomic molecules is presented. This model readily combine...
$^{1}$ P. Quadrelli, K. Dressler, and L. Wolniewicz. J. Chem. Phys. (in press).Author Institution: P...
A new spectrum of the autoionizing triplet states of gerade symmetry of H<sub>2</sub> has been recor...
In this work, we use the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, where the potential between atoms can be ap...
H$_2^+$ is the simplest of all molecules and as such an important system for the development of mole...
Author Institution: Division of Pure Physics, National Research Council of CanadaIn a Rydberg state ...
Author Institution: Physics Division, National Research Council of CanadaIn the Born-Oppenheimer app...
Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, State University of New YorkAbnormally low energy level...
The binding energies of the hydrogen atom are given by the Rydberg formula_x000d_ $$E_n = - frac{mat...