$^{1}$C. L. Lin, J. H. Shaw, and J. G. Calvert J.Q.S.R.T. (in press) $^{2}$BMDP-77, Biomedical Computer Programs, P Series, M. B. Brown, editor, University of California Press, Berkeley (1977). $^{3}$M. L. Ralston and R. I. Jennrich, Technometrics 20, 7 (1978).Author Institution:Progress in the analysis of bands of $O^{18}C^{12}O^{16}$ near 3.8 $\mu m$ obtained by Fourier Transform Spectroscopy is described. The parameters of interest are obtained by non-linear $regression.^{1,2,3}$ Estimates of five parameters for line positions, three each for halfwidths and intensities, one for resolution and estimates of standard deviation for each parameter estimate are reported for several $CO_{2}$ bands
Author Institution: Department of Physics, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8...
$^{1}$ D. Chris Benner, C. P. Rinsland, V. Malathy Devi, M. A. H. Smith, and David Atkins, ""A Multi...
Author Institution: Nasa Ames Research Center; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Te...
$^{1}$ M.L. Hoke and J.H. Shaw, Appl. Opt. 21 935 (1982). $^{2}$ L.S. Rothman and L.D.G. Young JQSRT...
This work was supported by National Aeronautics and Space Administration grant No. NSC-7479. $^{1}$C...
Address: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mailstop 183-301, 4800 Oak Grave Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109Author...
The intensities, widths, and positions of lines of three CO2 bands near 2750/cm were determined. The...
Author Institution: Department of Physics, College of Willian and Mary; Department of Physics, NAS...
$^{1}$J. Pritchard, H. Sakai, and G. Vanasse, AFCRL Report (1973). $^{2}$H. Sakai, AFCRL Report (197...
Author Institution:Samples of $CO_{2}$ enriched in $^{17}O(78%)$, and $^{18}O(18%)$ and highly enric...
$^{h}$K. Nakagawa, R.H. Schwendeman, and J.W.C. Johns, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 122, 462 (1987).Author Ins...
$^{\ast}$ This research was supported by the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Office of Ae...
Author Institution: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109.; Ames Research Center, M...
Author Institution: NASA Ames Research Center; Jet Propulsion LaboratoryTen spectra of the 600 to $8...
$^{1}$ Wetterblad; Thesis, Uppsala, 1924 (values quoted I.C.T. VII. 9). $^{2}$ Kaplan and Eggers; J....
Author Institution: Department of Physics, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8...
$^{1}$ D. Chris Benner, C. P. Rinsland, V. Malathy Devi, M. A. H. Smith, and David Atkins, ""A Multi...
Author Institution: Nasa Ames Research Center; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Te...
$^{1}$ M.L. Hoke and J.H. Shaw, Appl. Opt. 21 935 (1982). $^{2}$ L.S. Rothman and L.D.G. Young JQSRT...
This work was supported by National Aeronautics and Space Administration grant No. NSC-7479. $^{1}$C...
Address: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mailstop 183-301, 4800 Oak Grave Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109Author...
The intensities, widths, and positions of lines of three CO2 bands near 2750/cm were determined. The...
Author Institution: Department of Physics, College of Willian and Mary; Department of Physics, NAS...
$^{1}$J. Pritchard, H. Sakai, and G. Vanasse, AFCRL Report (1973). $^{2}$H. Sakai, AFCRL Report (197...
Author Institution:Samples of $CO_{2}$ enriched in $^{17}O(78%)$, and $^{18}O(18%)$ and highly enric...
$^{h}$K. Nakagawa, R.H. Schwendeman, and J.W.C. Johns, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 122, 462 (1987).Author Ins...
$^{\ast}$ This research was supported by the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Office of Ae...
Author Institution: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109.; Ames Research Center, M...
Author Institution: NASA Ames Research Center; Jet Propulsion LaboratoryTen spectra of the 600 to $8...
$^{1}$ Wetterblad; Thesis, Uppsala, 1924 (values quoted I.C.T. VII. 9). $^{2}$ Kaplan and Eggers; J....
Author Institution: Department of Physics, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8...
$^{1}$ D. Chris Benner, C. P. Rinsland, V. Malathy Devi, M. A. H. Smith, and David Atkins, ""A Multi...
Author Institution: Nasa Ames Research Center; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Te...