<p>Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.</p>This research aimed to develop an understanding of the influence of women engineers' earliest encounters with engineering workplaces on their future career intentions. One of the novelties of this approach is that it recognised that engineering is not a homogeneous industry. The research adopted a mixed methods approach, using qualitative interviews and focus groups to explore the experiences and reflections of women engineering students from a pre- and post-1992 university, before, during and after, their industrial placement. Alongside this, an email survey of all male and female engineering undergraduates, at the same universities, was conducted.<br> <br> Furth...
Of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic (STEM) fields, women remain underrepresented...
This research is a case study of three important phases of engineering education: the social factors...
This study into gender in the workplace investigates the reasons for a lack of women in the engineer...
Current research suggests that increases in the number of women studying engineering and related cou...
Abstract: Engineering has remained one of the most male dominated professions across the globe and i...
In the UK several Government initiatives have been introduced to encourage women to pursue careers i...
UK National statistics for science, engineering and technology studies and careers confirm the under...
© 2017 SEFI. Women remain severely under-represented in engineering in Australia as in all Western c...
This study explores both past and current experiences of female engineering students. Women continue...
Little is known about how the presence of women influences undergraduates’ experiences in engineerin...
The UK engineering industry is quantitatively and hierarchically maledominated. This is significant g...
Survey and focus group interviews with female students in regional Victoria resulted in identificati...
Women’s participation in engineering remains well below that of men at all degree levels. However, d...
Women’s participation in engineering remains well below that of men at all degree levels. However, d...
This study aims to explore the gender roles, social expectations, motivations, career decisions, and...
Of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic (STEM) fields, women remain underrepresented...
This research is a case study of three important phases of engineering education: the social factors...
This study into gender in the workplace investigates the reasons for a lack of women in the engineer...
Current research suggests that increases in the number of women studying engineering and related cou...
Abstract: Engineering has remained one of the most male dominated professions across the globe and i...
In the UK several Government initiatives have been introduced to encourage women to pursue careers i...
UK National statistics for science, engineering and technology studies and careers confirm the under...
© 2017 SEFI. Women remain severely under-represented in engineering in Australia as in all Western c...
This study explores both past and current experiences of female engineering students. Women continue...
Little is known about how the presence of women influences undergraduates’ experiences in engineerin...
The UK engineering industry is quantitatively and hierarchically maledominated. This is significant g...
Survey and focus group interviews with female students in regional Victoria resulted in identificati...
Women’s participation in engineering remains well below that of men at all degree levels. However, d...
Women’s participation in engineering remains well below that of men at all degree levels. However, d...
This study aims to explore the gender roles, social expectations, motivations, career decisions, and...
Of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic (STEM) fields, women remain underrepresented...
This research is a case study of three important phases of engineering education: the social factors...
This study into gender in the workplace investigates the reasons for a lack of women in the engineer...