1 fig., 3 tab.International audienceIn Cave XIV (Dordogne, France) we found faunal remains aged from lower middle pleistocene : Dinobatis, Panthera gombaszoegensis, Panther, Felis (big size) ou Lynx (small size), Ursus cf. deningeri, Canis cf. etruscus, Hemitragus, Cervus, Capreolus, Dicerorhinus,... Bears remains offer a lot of very primitive characters (M1 with very simple entoconid, slight twisting of the distal articulation of the tibia,...) what set to us the problem of the exact identification of a bear which, however, belong to the Cave Bear family. Some artefacts were found in the upper layers. A radiometric date (U/Th), about 390,000 years, set the middle layers in the stade 11 of the isotopic curve.La Grotte XIV (Dordogne, France)...