Diadohu varas leģitimācija 323.–281.g.p.m.ē. Āva U., zinātniskais vadītājs dr. hist. Tumans H. Bakalaura darbs, 70 lpp., 1 pielikums, 10 attēli. Latviešu valodā. Darbā pētīti dažādie veidi, kā diadohi, sākot ar Aleksandra Lielā nāvi, leģitimēja savu varu. Starp tiem var minēt Argeādu dinastijas locekļu izmantošanu, valdnieka un dieva statusa piesavināšanos, maķedoniešu varonības ideoloģijas izmantošanu un leģitimāciju ar karadarbības un armijas izmantošanu.The legitimisation of power of the Diadochi 323-281 BCE. Āva, U., scientific supervisor dr. hist. Tumans H. Bachelor thesis, 70 p., 1 addition, 10 images. In Latvian language. The thesis researches the different methods the diadochi used since the death of Alexander the Great to legitimiz...
This bachelor's thesis focuses on techniques used by the politicians of ancient Rome for religious l...
The cult of the Ptolemies spread in various ways. Apart from the Lagids, the initiative came from po...
Lietuvos valdovo statuso raida ir politinis kontekstas tiesiogiai veikė Lietuvos valdovo antspaudo v...
The untimely death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC resulted in a turbulent political situation; he ...
Aleksandrs Lielais sava karagājiena laikā iekaroja visu Persijas impēriju un daļu no rietumu Indijas...
This paper, entitled „Marriage policy of diadochi (323-281 BC),” focuses on the problem of marital p...
Praca ma na celu zaprezentowanie postaci Kassandra i jego zmagania o tytuł regenta w Macedonii po śm...
Jautājums par agrīno tirāniju ir sarežģīts, ne tikai tāpēc, ka saglabājušās maz liecības par arhaika...
Diodorus van Sicilië schreef in de 1ste eeuw v.C. een wereldgeschiedenis in 40 boeken, waarvan minde...
The year 310 B.C. witnessed the extinction of the Argead line. Cassander had ordered the murder of Y...
This paper examines the means by which the Successors to Alexander the Great, known as the Diadochi,...
This Bachelor thesis deals with the problem of imitation of Alexander the Great in the Hellenistic e...
The dearth of accurately datable documents from the time (323–c. 275 BCE) of Alexander the Great’s S...
The Clearchid dynasty at Heraclea Pontica was able to maintain power through one of the most turbule...
Celem tej pracy była analiza polityki prowadzonej przez macedońskich królów z dynastii Antygonidów w...
This bachelor's thesis focuses on techniques used by the politicians of ancient Rome for religious l...
The cult of the Ptolemies spread in various ways. Apart from the Lagids, the initiative came from po...
Lietuvos valdovo statuso raida ir politinis kontekstas tiesiogiai veikė Lietuvos valdovo antspaudo v...
The untimely death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC resulted in a turbulent political situation; he ...
Aleksandrs Lielais sava karagājiena laikā iekaroja visu Persijas impēriju un daļu no rietumu Indijas...
This paper, entitled „Marriage policy of diadochi (323-281 BC),” focuses on the problem of marital p...
Praca ma na celu zaprezentowanie postaci Kassandra i jego zmagania o tytuł regenta w Macedonii po śm...
Jautājums par agrīno tirāniju ir sarežģīts, ne tikai tāpēc, ka saglabājušās maz liecības par arhaika...
Diodorus van Sicilië schreef in de 1ste eeuw v.C. een wereldgeschiedenis in 40 boeken, waarvan minde...
The year 310 B.C. witnessed the extinction of the Argead line. Cassander had ordered the murder of Y...
This paper examines the means by which the Successors to Alexander the Great, known as the Diadochi,...
This Bachelor thesis deals with the problem of imitation of Alexander the Great in the Hellenistic e...
The dearth of accurately datable documents from the time (323–c. 275 BCE) of Alexander the Great’s S...
The Clearchid dynasty at Heraclea Pontica was able to maintain power through one of the most turbule...
Celem tej pracy była analiza polityki prowadzonej przez macedońskich królów z dynastii Antygonidów w...
This bachelor's thesis focuses on techniques used by the politicians of ancient Rome for religious l...
The cult of the Ptolemies spread in various ways. Apart from the Lagids, the initiative came from po...
Lietuvos valdovo statuso raida ir politinis kontekstas tiesiogiai veikė Lietuvos valdovo antspaudo v...