Aleksandrs Lielais sava karagājiena laikā iekaroja visu Persijas impēriju un daļu no rietumu Indijas, ar ko pasaules vēsturē palicis atmiņā kā viens no visu laiku izcilākajiem karavadoņiem un valdniekiem. Aleksandra karagājiena laikā vērojami vairāki notikumi, kuros nozīmīgs jautājums kļūst viņa deifikācija, kam pamatojums meklējams jau mītā par viņa piedzimšanas dievišķās dabas apstākļiem. Interesants aspekts vērojams paša Aleksandra attieksmē pret savu deifikāciju un mērķī, kāpēc viņš to arī izvirzijā Baktrijā 327. g. p . Kr. Pēc Aleksandra Lielā nāves un impērijas sadalīšanās katram hellēnistiskajam valdniekam tika veltīta kults. Valdnieku kults bija nozīmīga valdnieka sakrālās varas leģitimācijas izpausme. Hellēnisma monarhijās veids k...
Although the topic of Hellenistic ruler cult for kings has garnered a great deal of interest over th...
When Alexander the Great died in 323 BC without a chosen successor he left behind a huge empire and ...
Ruler Cult in Early Hellenism is amply attested by epigraphic documentation, as through worship man...
The Clearchid dynasty at Heraclea Pontica was able to maintain power through one of the most turbule...
The year 310 B.C. witnessed the extinction of the Argead line. Cassander had ordered the murder of Y...
TEZ6870Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.176-192) var.xiv, 217 s...
Studies in the cultic honours for Hellenistic leaders and benefactors mainly focus on the ideologica...
In the Hellenistic Period most of the Greek poleis (city-states) came under the control of the Greco...
Diadohu varas leģitimācija 323.–281.g.p.m.ē. Āva U., zinātniskais vadītājs dr. hist. Tumans H. Bakal...
The Oriental monarchies from Anatolia formed at the same time within the disaggregation of the Persi...
Celem tej pracy była analiza polityki prowadzonej przez macedońskich królów z dynastii Antygonidów w...
Greek kings' domination in Central Asia and Western Antique India was effective from the IIIth Centu...
Au cours de la seconde moitié du IIe siècle avant notre ère, la cité carienne de Bargylia entreprend...
The untimely death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC resulted in a turbulent political situation; he ...
This paper examines the means by which the Successors to Alexander the Great, known as the Diadochi,...
Although the topic of Hellenistic ruler cult for kings has garnered a great deal of interest over th...
When Alexander the Great died in 323 BC without a chosen successor he left behind a huge empire and ...
Ruler Cult in Early Hellenism is amply attested by epigraphic documentation, as through worship man...
The Clearchid dynasty at Heraclea Pontica was able to maintain power through one of the most turbule...
The year 310 B.C. witnessed the extinction of the Argead line. Cassander had ordered the murder of Y...
TEZ6870Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.176-192) var.xiv, 217 s...
Studies in the cultic honours for Hellenistic leaders and benefactors mainly focus on the ideologica...
In the Hellenistic Period most of the Greek poleis (city-states) came under the control of the Greco...
Diadohu varas leģitimācija 323.–281.g.p.m.ē. Āva U., zinātniskais vadītājs dr. hist. Tumans H. Bakal...
The Oriental monarchies from Anatolia formed at the same time within the disaggregation of the Persi...
Celem tej pracy była analiza polityki prowadzonej przez macedońskich królów z dynastii Antygonidów w...
Greek kings' domination in Central Asia and Western Antique India was effective from the IIIth Centu...
Au cours de la seconde moitié du IIe siècle avant notre ère, la cité carienne de Bargylia entreprend...
The untimely death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC resulted in a turbulent political situation; he ...
This paper examines the means by which the Successors to Alexander the Great, known as the Diadochi,...
Although the topic of Hellenistic ruler cult for kings has garnered a great deal of interest over th...
When Alexander the Great died in 323 BC without a chosen successor he left behind a huge empire and ...
Ruler Cult in Early Hellenism is amply attested by epigraphic documentation, as through worship man...