Šajā darbā ir izpētīta teorija par video kā mācību materiāla formātu, apzināta Latvijas un pasau- les pieredze, izmantojot mācību video, un apkopota un analizēta informācija par macibuvideo.lv pieejamo mācību video lietojumu un tā atbilstību labai praksei. Praktiskās daļas būtiskākais pie- nesums ir iepriekš nekur nepublicētu datu analīze par macibuvideo.lv apmeklējumu un detalizē- tāk – par šajā vietnē pieejamo mācību video – lietojumu. Galvenais secinājums – veids, kā tiek skatīti mācību video ir ļoti dažāds, tāpēc, veidojot mācību materiālus, mēs nevaram pieņemt, ka skolēni tos redzēs no sākuma līdz beigām. Apmeklējuma dati apstiprina, ka skola ir galvenais motivators skatīties māc...
Improvement of teaching methodology of mathematics by using video lectures is a current issue in Rig...
The aim of this thesis is to examine what a teacher and a group of students in middle school look fo...
The purpose of this study was to improve learning outcomes in the subjects of Basics and Mathematics...
Bakalaura darbs sastāv no mācību video teoretiskās un praktiskās analīzes un atbild uz jautājumiem, ...
This diploma thesis compares (through the method of action research) the impact of using video tutor...
The thesis deals with the use of videorecordings in the education of mathematics teachers. Its goal ...
Abstract: In this study, we examined the use of videos as a pedagogical tool in mathematics lessons ...
Den här studien är en systematisk litteraturstudie som syftar till att undersöka hur matematiska vid...
The thesis presents various ways in which video can be applied to develop motivation in secondary an...
Video materiālu izmantošana mūsdienīgā ķīmijas mācību procesā skolā. Darba autore: Ēce-Gvozdicka, L....
The use of video, relating to teachers’ learning, is on the increase across the globe (Gaudin and Ch...
Improvement of teaching methodology of mathematics by using video lectures is a current issue in Rig...
It seems that the digital world is all around us, wherever we turn to. Although not palpable, this w...
The increasing workforce demand in the field of technology has forced universities to increase their...
Technology plays an important role in everyday life and can be used in education. Video is a source ...
Improvement of teaching methodology of mathematics by using video lectures is a current issue in Rig...
The aim of this thesis is to examine what a teacher and a group of students in middle school look fo...
The purpose of this study was to improve learning outcomes in the subjects of Basics and Mathematics...
Bakalaura darbs sastāv no mācību video teoretiskās un praktiskās analīzes un atbild uz jautājumiem, ...
This diploma thesis compares (through the method of action research) the impact of using video tutor...
The thesis deals with the use of videorecordings in the education of mathematics teachers. Its goal ...
Abstract: In this study, we examined the use of videos as a pedagogical tool in mathematics lessons ...
Den här studien är en systematisk litteraturstudie som syftar till att undersöka hur matematiska vid...
The thesis presents various ways in which video can be applied to develop motivation in secondary an...
Video materiālu izmantošana mūsdienīgā ķīmijas mācību procesā skolā. Darba autore: Ēce-Gvozdicka, L....
The use of video, relating to teachers’ learning, is on the increase across the globe (Gaudin and Ch...
Improvement of teaching methodology of mathematics by using video lectures is a current issue in Rig...
It seems that the digital world is all around us, wherever we turn to. Although not palpable, this w...
The increasing workforce demand in the field of technology has forced universities to increase their...
Technology plays an important role in everyday life and can be used in education. Video is a source ...
Improvement of teaching methodology of mathematics by using video lectures is a current issue in Rig...
The aim of this thesis is to examine what a teacher and a group of students in middle school look fo...
The purpose of this study was to improve learning outcomes in the subjects of Basics and Mathematics...