Bakalaura darba mērķis ir analizēt, skaidrot un izprast saistību starp politiku un bioētiku, cilvēka cieņu, cilvēktiesībām un to, kā šis jēdziens ietekmē vai neietekmē gēnu medicīnas attīstību un funkcijas. Saskatīt šo jēdzienu iespējamo nozīmes zudumu un apdraudējumu un ko tas radītu, kā arī iespējamo nākotnes transformāciju un alternatīvas. Darbā tiek izvirzīta sekojoša hipotēze: Cilvēka cieņas koncepts nav nodalāms no gēnu medicīnas un bioētikas, taču mūsdienu pasaulē pieaugošā racionālisma, tiesiskuma un globalizācijas ietekmē, nepieciešama koncepta pielāgošana atbilstoši attīstības tendencēm. Darba rezultātā var secināt, ka cilvēka cieņas argumentam gēnu medicīnā ir būtiska nozīme un saskaroties ar šīs jomas ētisko un morālo problemā...
The principle of respect for human dignity plays a crucial role in the emerging global norms relatin...
The concept of human dignity is increasingly invoked in bioethical debate and, indeed, in internatio...
12 pages.Describes the core principles of social Darwinism that were the basis of Nazi Germany's con...
Human dignity has been institutionalised in EU treaties. Politically consensual but culturally sensi...
A bioética e o direito constituem braços de proteção da pessoa humana e dos direitos humanos quando ...
The terra of human dignity in a legal system of a democratic state is used in two aspects: as a prin...
The principle of respect for human dignity plays a crucial role in the emerging global norms relatin...
Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai cilvēku biomedicīniskie uzlabojumi attaisno dažādas iespējami izriet...
Diplomski rad pod nazivom Relevantnost bioetičke rasprave o početku i kraju života obrađuje tri bioe...
All bios is integrated and bioethics is the theory and practice of understanding and supporting the ...
This article reviews the origins of Bioethics, and the metaphor of a bridge between the sciences and...
The contribution investigates the international legal regulation of bioethics, with particular empha...
In recent years, the concept of human dignity has become an important resource for debates in bioeth...
Health and dignity play an important role in the political debate over biotechnology. They are the p...
Commitment to human dignity is a widely shared value. Human dignity also serves as the grounding for...
The principle of respect for human dignity plays a crucial role in the emerging global norms relatin...
The concept of human dignity is increasingly invoked in bioethical debate and, indeed, in internatio...
12 pages.Describes the core principles of social Darwinism that were the basis of Nazi Germany's con...
Human dignity has been institutionalised in EU treaties. Politically consensual but culturally sensi...
A bioética e o direito constituem braços de proteção da pessoa humana e dos direitos humanos quando ...
The terra of human dignity in a legal system of a democratic state is used in two aspects: as a prin...
The principle of respect for human dignity plays a crucial role in the emerging global norms relatin...
Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai cilvēku biomedicīniskie uzlabojumi attaisno dažādas iespējami izriet...
Diplomski rad pod nazivom Relevantnost bioetičke rasprave o početku i kraju života obrađuje tri bioe...
All bios is integrated and bioethics is the theory and practice of understanding and supporting the ...
This article reviews the origins of Bioethics, and the metaphor of a bridge between the sciences and...
The contribution investigates the international legal regulation of bioethics, with particular empha...
In recent years, the concept of human dignity has become an important resource for debates in bioeth...
Health and dignity play an important role in the political debate over biotechnology. They are the p...
Commitment to human dignity is a widely shared value. Human dignity also serves as the grounding for...
The principle of respect for human dignity plays a crucial role in the emerging global norms relatin...
The concept of human dignity is increasingly invoked in bioethical debate and, indeed, in internatio...
12 pages.Describes the core principles of social Darwinism that were the basis of Nazi Germany's con...