„Vahhābisms mūsdienu Saūda Arābija” darba autors piedāvā pētījumu par vienu no pretrunīgākām islāma kustībām – vahhābismu. Šī kustības neiecietīga doktrīna vienmēr izraisīja diskusijas Islāma pasaule, taču 2001. gada 11. septembra notikumu kontekstā, tā piesaistīja rietumu zinātnieku un žurnālistu interesi. Pētot vahhābisma mijiedarbību ar dažādiem politiskiem spēkiem, autors vēlas noskaidrot cik liela mēra šī kustība ir saistīta ar musulmaņu terorisma uzplaukumu un kāda loma ir vahhābītu doktrīnai mūsdienu Saūda Arābijas karalistē. Darbā arī tiek apskatītās personības, kuru ideju ietekmē izveidojas vahhābītu kustība. Atslēgvārdi: Vahhābisms, Saūda Arābija, Saūdīti, islāms, terorisms.In the paper “Wahhabism in Modern Saudi Arabia” author...
Today, the Middle East is dealing with devastating civil wars and ideological struggles affecting th...
Niniejsza praca traktuje o wahhabiźmie oraz jego roli i wpływie na przemiany gospodarcze, ekonomiczn...
The article examines the ideology of the leader of the Mahdist uprising in Sudan at the end of the 1...
Bu tezde Vahhabiliğin sadece dini bir söylem olmayıp aynı zamanda siyasi bir söylem olarak Suudi Ar...
ABSTRACT This article examines pre-modern reform movement Wahhabism emerged in the Najd region of cu...
Talibani so fundamentalistično islamsko gibanje, ki poskuša islam očistiti vseh novosti in moderniza...
Abstrakt Tematem niniejszej pracy jest zjawisko wahhabizmu, czyli jednego z najradykalnie...
In this paper I want to discuss the impact of Wahhabism which is Central Arabian fundamentalist reli...
Diplomová práce zkoumá státem podporovaný terorismus se zaměřením na Saudskou Arábii. První část prá...
Večina ljudi islam pojmuje kot enoten verski monolit, vendar to ni niti blizu resnici. Vse velike ve...
This thesis examines the development of Wahhabism as an ideology into a rapidly expanding, transport...
Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Common...
Salafi is an Islamic reform movement that claims to be a group that follows pure Islamic teachings s...
This article investigates the phenomena of a transnational Wahhabi movement particularly the Wahhabi...
Yüksek Lisans Tezi YÖK Merkezi No:438994Abdullah Tanrıkulu 19. yy'ın sonlarında dünyaya gelen ömrünü...
Today, the Middle East is dealing with devastating civil wars and ideological struggles affecting th...
Niniejsza praca traktuje o wahhabiźmie oraz jego roli i wpływie na przemiany gospodarcze, ekonomiczn...
The article examines the ideology of the leader of the Mahdist uprising in Sudan at the end of the 1...
Bu tezde Vahhabiliğin sadece dini bir söylem olmayıp aynı zamanda siyasi bir söylem olarak Suudi Ar...
ABSTRACT This article examines pre-modern reform movement Wahhabism emerged in the Najd region of cu...
Talibani so fundamentalistično islamsko gibanje, ki poskuša islam očistiti vseh novosti in moderniza...
Abstrakt Tematem niniejszej pracy jest zjawisko wahhabizmu, czyli jednego z najradykalnie...
In this paper I want to discuss the impact of Wahhabism which is Central Arabian fundamentalist reli...
Diplomová práce zkoumá státem podporovaný terorismus se zaměřením na Saudskou Arábii. První část prá...
Večina ljudi islam pojmuje kot enoten verski monolit, vendar to ni niti blizu resnici. Vse velike ve...
This thesis examines the development of Wahhabism as an ideology into a rapidly expanding, transport...
Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Common...
Salafi is an Islamic reform movement that claims to be a group that follows pure Islamic teachings s...
This article investigates the phenomena of a transnational Wahhabi movement particularly the Wahhabi...
Yüksek Lisans Tezi YÖK Merkezi No:438994Abdullah Tanrıkulu 19. yy'ın sonlarında dünyaya gelen ömrünü...
Today, the Middle East is dealing with devastating civil wars and ideological struggles affecting th...
Niniejsza praca traktuje o wahhabiźmie oraz jego roli i wpływie na przemiany gospodarcze, ekonomiczn...
The article examines the ideology of the leader of the Mahdist uprising in Sudan at the end of the 1...