Bakalaura darba „Jodu saturošu rentgena kontrastvielu inducētas nefropātijas risks bērniem angiogrāfijā” mērķis ir noskaidrot kontrastvielas inducētas nefropātijas attīstības risku bērniem ar dažādiem riska faktoriem, veicot koronāro angiogrāfiju. Darba uzdevumi saistīti ar literatūras analīzi par jodu saturošām kontrastvielām, to inducētu nefropātiju un prospektīva pētījuma veikšanu. Darbam ir 3 nodaļas. Pirmajā nodaļā ir analizēta literatūra par kontrastvielām, to vēsturi, noteikta to klasifikācija un īpašības. Otrajā nodaļā tiek definēta un analizēta kontrastvielas inducēta nefropātija. Trešā nodaļa ir veltīta pētījuma aprakstam, rezultātiem un diskusijai. Pētījuma rezultātā secināts, ka kontrastvielas inducēta nefropātija var attīstīt...
<p>Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) refers to an abrupt deterioration in renal function associated...
A study was conducted to assess the safety of non-ionic contrast media in paediatric nephrourology a...
This study aimed to make a profile of patients at highest risk of developing contrast induced nephro...
Interventional radiology is currently undergoing significant development.Vascular intrventions in pa...
Kopsavilkums Medicīnā jau vairāk kā 100 gadus tiek izmantoti radioloģiskie izmeklējumi. Progresējot ...
Da se utvrdi razliku između gadolinijumskog i jodnog kontrasta u nastanku subkliničkog oštećenja bub...
The incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is variably estimated among studies. CIN is asso...
The increase in the number of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures by using contrast agents increas...
Kontrastom inducirana nefropatija (KIN) je reververzibilni akutni poremećaj bubrežne funkcije defini...
Contrast induced nephropathy is a significant problem in clinical practice with the increasing use ...
Iodinated contrast media used for radiological diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are associated ...
Contrast media-induced nephropathy (CIN) is a well-known complication of radiological examinations e...
Recent clinical data suggest that contrast‑induced nephropathy (CIN), defined as a rapid deteriorati...
Radioloģiskie izmeklējumi hemodinamiski nestabiliem pacientiem ir saistīti ar papildus riskiem, kas ...
none10noAmong the causes of in-hospital acute renal failure, contrast-induced nephropathy ranks thir...
<p>Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) refers to an abrupt deterioration in renal function associated...
A study was conducted to assess the safety of non-ionic contrast media in paediatric nephrourology a...
This study aimed to make a profile of patients at highest risk of developing contrast induced nephro...
Interventional radiology is currently undergoing significant development.Vascular intrventions in pa...
Kopsavilkums Medicīnā jau vairāk kā 100 gadus tiek izmantoti radioloģiskie izmeklējumi. Progresējot ...
Da se utvrdi razliku između gadolinijumskog i jodnog kontrasta u nastanku subkliničkog oštećenja bub...
The incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is variably estimated among studies. CIN is asso...
The increase in the number of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures by using contrast agents increas...
Kontrastom inducirana nefropatija (KIN) je reververzibilni akutni poremećaj bubrežne funkcije defini...
Contrast induced nephropathy is a significant problem in clinical practice with the increasing use ...
Iodinated contrast media used for radiological diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are associated ...
Contrast media-induced nephropathy (CIN) is a well-known complication of radiological examinations e...
Recent clinical data suggest that contrast‑induced nephropathy (CIN), defined as a rapid deteriorati...
Radioloģiskie izmeklējumi hemodinamiski nestabiliem pacientiem ir saistīti ar papildus riskiem, kas ...
none10noAmong the causes of in-hospital acute renal failure, contrast-induced nephropathy ranks thir...
<p>Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) refers to an abrupt deterioration in renal function associated...
A study was conducted to assess the safety of non-ionic contrast media in paediatric nephrourology a...
This study aimed to make a profile of patients at highest risk of developing contrast induced nephro...