Darbā analizētas kartupeļu šķirnes, sadarbojoties ar Valsts Priekuļu laukaugu selekcijas institūtu. Nitrātjonu, fosfātjonu saturs, kopējo fenolu savienojumu un C vitamīna saturu un antiradikālo aktivitāti noteikšanai kartupeļu paraugos izmantotās metodes ir jonometrija, fotometrija, kolorimetrija, titrimetrija. Iegūtie rezultāti izvērtēti.In this thesis has been analyzed varieties of potatoes, cooperating with State Priekuļu plant breeding institute. Content of nitrate ion, phosphate ion, common phenolic compounds, vitamin C and antiradical activities have been determined using ionometry, photometry, calorimetry and titration. The rezults were examined
Suitability of potatoes for different processing directions is depended on their technological value...
The purpose of the research is to study the effect of the feeding area of Gala potato, the use of fu...
Bakalaura darbā izvērtēta literatūra par dārzeņiem, to ķīmisko sastāvu un sastāvdaļu noteikšanas met...
Maģistra darbs Kartupeļu ķīmiskais sastāvs un uzturvērtība. Heiberga G., darba vadītājs Dr. ķīm., as...
Raksturota tēmas (kartupeļu sastāvā ietilpstošo nitrātu un fenolu savienojumu kvantitatīvā daudzuma ...
Bachelor thesis is focused on monitoring of influence on selected metabolites, especially monosaccha...
The investigations were conducted in the 2017 - 2018 academic year in the Laboratory for Agronomy an...
Introduction. Potato is the fifth most important cultivated plant in the world, which delivers energ...
Glikoalkaloīdi (GA) ir slāpekli saturoši steroidālie glikozīdi. Kartupeļos visizplatītākie GA ir α –...
During 2009/2010 the Swedish National Food Administration anaylsed nutrional content in new potatoes...
Potatoes - one of the most important human food. It has high taste and nutritional properties. The o...
In recent years, more and more raw materials and food products with high organoleptic and nutritiona...
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important food sources for humans due to their hi...
Increasing public concern about environment and human health reflects in growing consumers´ interest...
BACKGROUNDThe commercial potato cultivars are diverse not only in their physical characteristics but...
Suitability of potatoes for different processing directions is depended on their technological value...
The purpose of the research is to study the effect of the feeding area of Gala potato, the use of fu...
Bakalaura darbā izvērtēta literatūra par dārzeņiem, to ķīmisko sastāvu un sastāvdaļu noteikšanas met...
Maģistra darbs Kartupeļu ķīmiskais sastāvs un uzturvērtība. Heiberga G., darba vadītājs Dr. ķīm., as...
Raksturota tēmas (kartupeļu sastāvā ietilpstošo nitrātu un fenolu savienojumu kvantitatīvā daudzuma ...
Bachelor thesis is focused on monitoring of influence on selected metabolites, especially monosaccha...
The investigations were conducted in the 2017 - 2018 academic year in the Laboratory for Agronomy an...
Introduction. Potato is the fifth most important cultivated plant in the world, which delivers energ...
Glikoalkaloīdi (GA) ir slāpekli saturoši steroidālie glikozīdi. Kartupeļos visizplatītākie GA ir α –...
During 2009/2010 the Swedish National Food Administration anaylsed nutrional content in new potatoes...
Potatoes - one of the most important human food. It has high taste and nutritional properties. The o...
In recent years, more and more raw materials and food products with high organoleptic and nutritiona...
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important food sources for humans due to their hi...
Increasing public concern about environment and human health reflects in growing consumers´ interest...
BACKGROUNDThe commercial potato cultivars are diverse not only in their physical characteristics but...
Suitability of potatoes for different processing directions is depended on their technological value...
The purpose of the research is to study the effect of the feeding area of Gala potato, the use of fu...
Bakalaura darbā izvērtēta literatūra par dārzeņiem, to ķīmisko sastāvu un sastāvdaļu noteikšanas met...