Darbā ir izdarīts mēģinājums izstrādāt metodes 6-arilmetil-7-alkiltiēno[3,2-d]pirimidīn-4-amīnu un 3,4-asimetriski aizvietotu tiofēnu sintēzei. Ir parādīts, ka vienas no piedāvātām 6-arilmetil-7-alkiltiēno[3,2-d]pirimidīn-4-amīnu sintēzes shēmām no 3,4,5-trimetoksietānskābes praktiska realizācija nav iespējama; otras shēmas – 6-arilmetil-7-alkiltiēno[3,2-d]pirimidīn-4-amīnu sintēze no metil 3-aminotiofēn-2-karboksilāta – praktiska pārbaude šī darba ietvaros netika pabeigta. Ir atrasti apstākļi Suzuki-Mijauras reakcijai, kuros ir izdevies iegūt 3-brom-4-arilaizvietotus tiofēna atvasinājumus no 3,4-dibromtiofēna, kuri tālāk izmantoti 3,4-asimetriski diarilaizvietotu tiofēnu sintēzei. Iespējams, ka atrastos apstākļos var realizēt daudzu līdzīg...
Thioamides have been used for various applications with small molecules and peptides, including as p...
Conjugated organic materials comprise a field of materials chemistry focused on the development of s...
In connection with the synthetic work on the thieno-heterocyclic systems, some substituted thiophene...
Byla provedena literární rešerše zaměřená na přípravu a aplikace thieno[3,2 b]thiofenu a thieno[2,3-...
6-Amino-5-tiofēn-piridiletiķskābes sintēzes metodes izstrāde. Ostrovska L., zinātniskais vadītājs Dr...
SUMMARY The Friedel-Crafts reaction has been used in the preparation of thiophene ketones, some of w...
In the reaction of 2-amino-3-carbethoxythiophene derivative 2b with hydrazine hydrate the respective...
Dans le cadre de recherches sur les analogues thiophéniques de l'acide anthranilique, nous avons pré...
V rámci této disertační práce byla provedena literární rešerše zaměřená na syntetické postupy vedouc...
The thesis presented new syntheses of Hsp70 agonists. Chapter 1 overviewed neurological disorders, t...
Attempting to produce cyclized systems with potential anti-proliferative activity, a series of novel...
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003Thesis (M.Sc.) -- ...
This thesis describes the synthesis of terthiophene derivatives which are of interest as building bl...
Protein toplotnega šoka 90 (Hsp90) je eden najpomembnejših molekulskih šaperonov, ki pomaga ohranjat...
Proteini toplotnega šoka 90 (Hsp90) so šaperoni, ki promovirajo zvijanje novo sintetiziranih ali nep...
Thioamides have been used for various applications with small molecules and peptides, including as p...
Conjugated organic materials comprise a field of materials chemistry focused on the development of s...
In connection with the synthetic work on the thieno-heterocyclic systems, some substituted thiophene...
Byla provedena literární rešerše zaměřená na přípravu a aplikace thieno[3,2 b]thiofenu a thieno[2,3-...
6-Amino-5-tiofēn-piridiletiķskābes sintēzes metodes izstrāde. Ostrovska L., zinātniskais vadītājs Dr...
SUMMARY The Friedel-Crafts reaction has been used in the preparation of thiophene ketones, some of w...
In the reaction of 2-amino-3-carbethoxythiophene derivative 2b with hydrazine hydrate the respective...
Dans le cadre de recherches sur les analogues thiophéniques de l'acide anthranilique, nous avons pré...
V rámci této disertační práce byla provedena literární rešerše zaměřená na syntetické postupy vedouc...
The thesis presented new syntheses of Hsp70 agonists. Chapter 1 overviewed neurological disorders, t...
Attempting to produce cyclized systems with potential anti-proliferative activity, a series of novel...
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003Thesis (M.Sc.) -- ...
This thesis describes the synthesis of terthiophene derivatives which are of interest as building bl...
Protein toplotnega šoka 90 (Hsp90) je eden najpomembnejših molekulskih šaperonov, ki pomaga ohranjat...
Proteini toplotnega šoka 90 (Hsp90) so šaperoni, ki promovirajo zvijanje novo sintetiziranih ali nep...
Thioamides have been used for various applications with small molecules and peptides, including as p...
Conjugated organic materials comprise a field of materials chemistry focused on the development of s...
In connection with the synthetic work on the thieno-heterocyclic systems, some substituted thiophene...