Endoskopiskā ultrasonogrāfija (EUS) apvieno endoskopiju un ultraskaņas izmeklējumu, kas nodrošina tās efektivitāti, kopš tika ieviesta EUS kontrolēta tievās adatas aspirācija. Šī pētījuma mērķis bija analizēt EUS terapeitisko pielietojumu un efektivitāti Paula Stradiņa Klīniskās universitātes slimnīcā laikposmā kopš metodes ieviešanas 2002. gada februārī. Rezultāti: 26,2% pacientu tika diagnosticēts aizkuņģa dziedzera audzējs, 16,3% aizkuņģa dziedzera cista un 14% hronisks pankreatīts. No 275 veiktajām EUS procedūrām 30,9% sastādīja aizkuņģa dziedzera audu biopsijas, 21,1% aizkuņģa dziedzera cistu aspirācijas, bet 10,9% abdominālo limfmezglu biopsijas. 98,3% cistu aspirācijas procedūru bija sekmīgas. Secinājumi: EUS pielietošana vērtējam...
Background: Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) is a method that takes the advantage of a combination o...
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is not only a diagnostic tool but also an interventional and therapeutic...
none6noEndoscopic ultrasound (EUS) has been used in the clinical arena for almost 35 years and it is...
Endoskopski ultrazvuk (EUZ) je slikovna metoda za dijagnosticiranje i procjenjivanje napretka malign...
There is growing evidence supporting the substantial, essential and indispensable role of endoscopic...
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) gained wide acceptance as the diagnostic and minimally invasive therapeu...
Objectives: Evaluation of the impact of EUS in clinical practice. Methods: All exploration performed...
İnsülinomalar nadir olup yılda milyonda 1-5 kişidegörülür. 50 yaş üzerinde özellikle kadınlarda daha...
Kad govorimo o raku gušterace mislimo na rak žljezdanog tkiva, adenokarcinom, koji cini 85%-90% svih...
Problēma: Kuņģa vēzis joprojām ir bieži sastopama patoloģija. Kuņģa vēža veiksmīgai ārstēšanai ir sv...
Pancreatic cancer is one of the digestive cancers with the poorest prognosis, so an early and correc...
Az endoszkópos ultrahang viszonylag új vizsgálómódszer, amely két metodika, az endoszkópia és a nagy...
none4noEndoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is not only a diagnostic tool but also an interventional and ther...
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is an essential technique for the management of several diseases. Over t...
Background: Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) is a method that takes the advantage of a combination o...
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is not only a diagnostic tool but also an interventional and therapeutic...
none6noEndoscopic ultrasound (EUS) has been used in the clinical arena for almost 35 years and it is...
Endoskopski ultrazvuk (EUZ) je slikovna metoda za dijagnosticiranje i procjenjivanje napretka malign...
There is growing evidence supporting the substantial, essential and indispensable role of endoscopic...
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) gained wide acceptance as the diagnostic and minimally invasive therapeu...
Objectives: Evaluation of the impact of EUS in clinical practice. Methods: All exploration performed...
İnsülinomalar nadir olup yılda milyonda 1-5 kişidegörülür. 50 yaş üzerinde özellikle kadınlarda daha...
Kad govorimo o raku gušterace mislimo na rak žljezdanog tkiva, adenokarcinom, koji cini 85%-90% svih...
Problēma: Kuņģa vēzis joprojām ir bieži sastopama patoloģija. Kuņģa vēža veiksmīgai ārstēšanai ir sv...
Pancreatic cancer is one of the digestive cancers with the poorest prognosis, so an early and correc...
Az endoszkópos ultrahang viszonylag új vizsgálómódszer, amely két metodika, az endoszkópia és a nagy...
none4noEndoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is not only a diagnostic tool but also an interventional and ther...
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is an essential technique for the management of several diseases. Over t...
Background: Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) is a method that takes the advantage of a combination o...
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is not only a diagnostic tool but also an interventional and therapeutic...
none6noEndoscopic ultrasound (EUS) has been used in the clinical arena for almost 35 years and it is...