Background. Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic progressive disease which could lead to debilitating complications if not managed well. Therefore long term use of anti diabetic medication is essential; this could eventually lead to increased health burden. In this industrialized era T2DM prevalence had raised rapidly and additionally the onset of disease has become at an early age. Latvia and Sri Lanka are developing countries which are greatly affected by T2DM but unfortunately have limited financial aid towards the health sector. Therefore it is important to find a method that is both, optimizing patient health and is cost effective. Therefore in such circumstance identifying the risk groups in each demographic area and focusing ...
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally. To a large extent, CVDs can ...
During recent decades, changes in society and environment have led to changes in lifestyle. As a res...
Penyebab kematian untuk semua umur telah mengalami pergeseran, yaitu dari penyakit menular menjadi ...
Pamatinformācija Otrā tipa cukura diabēts (T2DM) ir progresējoša, hroniska slimība, kurai ir nepieci...
Cēlonis: Aptaukošanās ir galvenā vielmaiņas slimība pasaulē. Pasaules Veselības Organizācija atsauca...
Dijabetes tipa 2 (diabetes melitus tip 2, DMT2) jedna je od najraširenijih endokrinoloških bolesti u...
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an immune-mediated disorder characterized by autoimmunity to pancreatic bet...
Māszinības (ar specializāciju Ambulatorās aprūpes māsa)Veselības aprūpeNursing StudiesHealth CareBak...
Сatedra Endocrinologie USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Type 2 diabetes is a chronic pathology caused by t...
Gestational diabetes (GDM) complicates around 18% of all pregnancies in Finland. It has negative eff...
Background: Type 2 diabetes is linked to several complications which add to both physical and mental...
Harvardi Ülikooli teadlased töötasid andmebaasides EMBASE ja Medline läbi 2006. a märtsis avalda...
Abstract Type 2 diabetes is increasing overall in the world and is mostly associated with Western l...
Purpose: The aim of the study is to reveal the knowledge level about the diseases of type 2 diabetic...
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a public health problem of great concern. Globally it is increasing and it ...
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally. To a large extent, CVDs can ...
During recent decades, changes in society and environment have led to changes in lifestyle. As a res...
Penyebab kematian untuk semua umur telah mengalami pergeseran, yaitu dari penyakit menular menjadi ...
Pamatinformācija Otrā tipa cukura diabēts (T2DM) ir progresējoša, hroniska slimība, kurai ir nepieci...
Cēlonis: Aptaukošanās ir galvenā vielmaiņas slimība pasaulē. Pasaules Veselības Organizācija atsauca...
Dijabetes tipa 2 (diabetes melitus tip 2, DMT2) jedna je od najraširenijih endokrinoloških bolesti u...
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an immune-mediated disorder characterized by autoimmunity to pancreatic bet...
Māszinības (ar specializāciju Ambulatorās aprūpes māsa)Veselības aprūpeNursing StudiesHealth CareBak...
Сatedra Endocrinologie USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Type 2 diabetes is a chronic pathology caused by t...
Gestational diabetes (GDM) complicates around 18% of all pregnancies in Finland. It has negative eff...
Background: Type 2 diabetes is linked to several complications which add to both physical and mental...
Harvardi Ülikooli teadlased töötasid andmebaasides EMBASE ja Medline läbi 2006. a märtsis avalda...
Abstract Type 2 diabetes is increasing overall in the world and is mostly associated with Western l...
Purpose: The aim of the study is to reveal the knowledge level about the diseases of type 2 diabetic...
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a public health problem of great concern. Globally it is increasing and it ...
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally. To a large extent, CVDs can ...
During recent decades, changes in society and environment have led to changes in lifestyle. As a res...
Penyebab kematian untuk semua umur telah mengalami pergeseran, yaitu dari penyakit menular menjadi ...