Meijere, J. 2011. Sīkdisperso grunšu klasificēšana pēc to plasticitātes. Bakalaura darbs. Latvijas Universitāte, Rīga. 37 lpp. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir sīkdisperso grunšu identifikācijas parametru novērtējums. Bakalaura darbā pētītas sīkdisperso grunšu fizikālās īpašības un to savstarpējās sakarības. Salīdzinot plūstamības robežu vērtības, kas iegūtas izmantojot krītošā un Vasiļeva konusus konstatēts, ka starp iegūtajām vērtībām pastāv lineāra atkarība R2=0,94. Darbā aprakstītas Latvijā biežāk pielietotās grunšu klasifikācijas sistēmas un veikta pētīto grunšu klasificēšana. Secināts, ka atšķirīgās pieejas, iedalot gruntis sīkdispersās un rupjdrupu, tādējādi radot grūtības pētījumu rezultātu salīdzināšanā. Atslēgvārdi: inženierģeoloģija, ...
One of the essential characteristics of fine-grain soils is the plasticity or Atterberg limits of th...
Zjednodušená koncepce pevnosti nenasycené jemnozrnné zeminy pro krátkodobou stabilitu, kterou prezen...
Over the years, Casagrande plasticity chart is mainly used to classify fine grain soils. However, th...
Bakalaura darba galvenais mērķis ir izpētīt smilšaino un mālaino grunšu sastāvu, izmantojot sijāšana...
Numerous pedological soil classification systems have been developed worldwide. These include an int...
The paper presents the results of the analyses of plasticity and stickiness of the following surface...
Bakalaura darbā izklāstīts pētījums par mālaino grunšu plastiskuma robežas noteikšanu, izmantojot kr...
Na tri različita tipa tla (aluvijalno, lesivirano i ritska crnica) utvrđen je utjecaj kemijskih i fi...
The paper represents the result of an investigation of plasticity limits of various evolution stages...
Determination of the Atterberg’s limits is necessary for the classification of fine-grained soil. Th...
Veliki dio površine podsljemenske zone u gradu Zagrebu prekriven je sedimentima pliokvartarne (PLQ) ...
Abstract: A number of pedological soil classification systems have been developed worldwide. These i...
The empirical concepts for the liquid limit and plastic limit of fine-grained soils have been in use...
Consistency limits and soil plasticity are the basic parameters that represent the physical properti...
Plasticity chart have been used for fine-grained soil classification. As it is known, plasticity cha...
One of the essential characteristics of fine-grain soils is the plasticity or Atterberg limits of th...
Zjednodušená koncepce pevnosti nenasycené jemnozrnné zeminy pro krátkodobou stabilitu, kterou prezen...
Over the years, Casagrande plasticity chart is mainly used to classify fine grain soils. However, th...
Bakalaura darba galvenais mērķis ir izpētīt smilšaino un mālaino grunšu sastāvu, izmantojot sijāšana...
Numerous pedological soil classification systems have been developed worldwide. These include an int...
The paper presents the results of the analyses of plasticity and stickiness of the following surface...
Bakalaura darbā izklāstīts pētījums par mālaino grunšu plastiskuma robežas noteikšanu, izmantojot kr...
Na tri različita tipa tla (aluvijalno, lesivirano i ritska crnica) utvrđen je utjecaj kemijskih i fi...
The paper represents the result of an investigation of plasticity limits of various evolution stages...
Determination of the Atterberg’s limits is necessary for the classification of fine-grained soil. Th...
Veliki dio površine podsljemenske zone u gradu Zagrebu prekriven je sedimentima pliokvartarne (PLQ) ...
Abstract: A number of pedological soil classification systems have been developed worldwide. These i...
The empirical concepts for the liquid limit and plastic limit of fine-grained soils have been in use...
Consistency limits and soil plasticity are the basic parameters that represent the physical properti...
Plasticity chart have been used for fine-grained soil classification. As it is known, plasticity cha...
One of the essential characteristics of fine-grain soils is the plasticity or Atterberg limits of th...
Zjednodušená koncepce pevnosti nenasycené jemnozrnné zeminy pro krátkodobou stabilitu, kterou prezen...
Over the years, Casagrande plasticity chart is mainly used to classify fine grain soils. However, th...