Akrilamīds – pārtikas ķīmiskais piesārņojums. Švalkovskis G., zinātniskie vadītāji As. prof., Dr. ķīm. Jākobsone I., As. prof., Dr. ķīm. Mekšs P. Bakalaura darbs, 42 lappuses, 14 attēli, 15 tabulas, 25 literatūras avoti, 1 pielikums. Latviešu valodā. GĀZU HROMATOGRĀFIJA, ELEKTRONU SATVERES DETEKTORS, MASSPEKTROMETRIJA, AKRILAMĪDA NOTEIKŠANA. 2002. gada aprīlī Zviedrijā atklāja toksisku vielu – akrilamīdu, kas ir termiski apstrādātā pārtikā. Vēlāk atklājumi tika veikti arī citās pasaules valstīs. Mērķis ir analizēt vietējo Latvijas produkciju un izpētīt iespējamos komponentus un apstākļus, kas rada akrilamīdu. Rezultāti tika iegūti no produktiem, kas satur kartupeļu cieti un graudaugu cieti. Kartupeļu cieti saturoši produkti (čipsi, frī) sat...
This thesis provides a review describing acrylamide (AA), its detection and reduction. Botanical des...
At the end of April 2002, the Swedish Food Administration reported the presence of acrylamide in hea...
Acrylamide is a substance well known, industrial synthesized and used since the late nineteenth cen...
Posljednjih nekoliko desteljeća povećao se interes različitih zdravstvenih institucija zaduženih za ...
Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na sloučeninu akrylamid, jeho vliv na lidské zdraví a jsou popsány...
Darbā ir apkopota zinātniskā periodikā atrastā informācija par akrilamīda klātbūtni pārtikā, tā veid...
AJ Acrylamide belongs to the group of process contaminants originating in foods with a high carbohyd...
V magistrskem delu smo analizirali prisotnost akrilamida v živilih na slovenskem trgu med leti 2010 ...
Bakalářská práce popisuje účinky akrylamidu na lidský organismus. Akrylamid patří mezi látky karcino...
Akrilamid je potencijalni kancerogen i neurotoksin. Nastaje Maillardovom reakcijom pri povišenim tem...
Akrilamid je mala, bezbojna ili bijela hidrofilna supstanca, specifičnog mirisa, klasifikovan kao po...
The aim of this study was a detailed characterization of acrylamide as a compound present in food. T...
The aim of this thesis was to verify the indicated occurrence of acrylamide formation in heating of ...
Acrylamide is a chemical substance that has been classified as probably carcinogenic (group 2A) by t...
Acrylamide forms when some foods are prepared at temperatures usually above 120°C and in low moistur...
This thesis provides a review describing acrylamide (AA), its detection and reduction. Botanical des...
At the end of April 2002, the Swedish Food Administration reported the presence of acrylamide in hea...
Acrylamide is a substance well known, industrial synthesized and used since the late nineteenth cen...
Posljednjih nekoliko desteljeća povećao se interes različitih zdravstvenih institucija zaduženih za ...
Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na sloučeninu akrylamid, jeho vliv na lidské zdraví a jsou popsány...
Darbā ir apkopota zinātniskā periodikā atrastā informācija par akrilamīda klātbūtni pārtikā, tā veid...
AJ Acrylamide belongs to the group of process contaminants originating in foods with a high carbohyd...
V magistrskem delu smo analizirali prisotnost akrilamida v živilih na slovenskem trgu med leti 2010 ...
Bakalářská práce popisuje účinky akrylamidu na lidský organismus. Akrylamid patří mezi látky karcino...
Akrilamid je potencijalni kancerogen i neurotoksin. Nastaje Maillardovom reakcijom pri povišenim tem...
Akrilamid je mala, bezbojna ili bijela hidrofilna supstanca, specifičnog mirisa, klasifikovan kao po...
The aim of this study was a detailed characterization of acrylamide as a compound present in food. T...
The aim of this thesis was to verify the indicated occurrence of acrylamide formation in heating of ...
Acrylamide is a chemical substance that has been classified as probably carcinogenic (group 2A) by t...
Acrylamide forms when some foods are prepared at temperatures usually above 120°C and in low moistur...
This thesis provides a review describing acrylamide (AA), its detection and reduction. Botanical des...
At the end of April 2002, the Swedish Food Administration reported the presence of acrylamide in hea...
Acrylamide is a substance well known, industrial synthesized and used since the late nineteenth cen...