Pētāmā problēma: kādus principus attēla uztverē piedāvā mākslas psihologs Rūdolfs Arnheims un geštaltteorētiķi? To vēlos noskaidrot, lai saprastu, kā attēla objektu novietojums, forma, krāsas var ietekmēt skatītāja uztveri, vienā gadījumā izraisot patīkamas, citā – traucējošas izjūtas? Aplūkojot fotogrāfijas, bieži secinu, ka dažas skatās labi, ir acij tīkamas, bet citās kaut kas traucē: gribas izmainīt objektu novietojumu u.tml. Jautāju: kāpēc tā? Geštaltteoriju piesaistu, jo Arnheims uztveres teoriju balsta tās principos: šo saistību vēlos uzrādīt. Attēla uztveres pamatā ir vienkāršības un dinamikas principi, kas kalpo izteiksmes realizācijai. Izteiksme un patīkamās izjūtas saistītas ar attēla līdzsvaru. Līdzsvaroti tiek dinamiskie uztver...
Introducción a las leyes de percepción de la Gestalt recogidas en el libro Arte y Percepción Visual ...
In this paper I look to shed fresh light on the perceptual experience of visual art. I begin by cons...
The most eminent feature of Arnheim’s theory of film is the author’s sceptical view of sound film (“...
The presented thesis introduces Rudolf Arnheim's core claims regarding psychology of art. Arnheim's ...
In Art and Visual Perception, Rudolf Arnheim, following on from Denman Ross's A Theory of Pure Desig...
In psychology, as in other sciences, surely there are concepts that are not theoretically based and ...
This paper was written with the ideal purpose of carrying on in the tradition of Rudolf Arnheim\u201...
Upon its publication in 1932, German scientist Rudolph Arnheim\u27s work “Film as Art“represented a ...
The impact of Gestalt theoryon the photographic art image CompositionExpressive painting movement is...
Gestalt principles are rules for the organization of perceptual scenes. They were introduced in the ...
The aim of this article is to review the concept known as geometrical gestaltism. This doctrine, whi...
The thesis in the field of art education represents the impact of reduced perception on the aestheti...
It is not difficult to find in studies of visual communication reference to Gestalt authors, notably...
[[abstract]]It is essential for a graphic designer to understand the people's manner and ability in ...
For many years I have worked with portraits. Series of sculptures that are connected by a variation ...
Introducción a las leyes de percepción de la Gestalt recogidas en el libro Arte y Percepción Visual ...
In this paper I look to shed fresh light on the perceptual experience of visual art. I begin by cons...
The most eminent feature of Arnheim’s theory of film is the author’s sceptical view of sound film (“...
The presented thesis introduces Rudolf Arnheim's core claims regarding psychology of art. Arnheim's ...
In Art and Visual Perception, Rudolf Arnheim, following on from Denman Ross's A Theory of Pure Desig...
In psychology, as in other sciences, surely there are concepts that are not theoretically based and ...
This paper was written with the ideal purpose of carrying on in the tradition of Rudolf Arnheim\u201...
Upon its publication in 1932, German scientist Rudolph Arnheim\u27s work “Film as Art“represented a ...
The impact of Gestalt theoryon the photographic art image CompositionExpressive painting movement is...
Gestalt principles are rules for the organization of perceptual scenes. They were introduced in the ...
The aim of this article is to review the concept known as geometrical gestaltism. This doctrine, whi...
The thesis in the field of art education represents the impact of reduced perception on the aestheti...
It is not difficult to find in studies of visual communication reference to Gestalt authors, notably...
[[abstract]]It is essential for a graphic designer to understand the people's manner and ability in ...
For many years I have worked with portraits. Series of sculptures that are connected by a variation ...
Introducción a las leyes de percepción de la Gestalt recogidas en el libro Arte y Percepción Visual ...
In this paper I look to shed fresh light on the perceptual experience of visual art. I begin by cons...
The most eminent feature of Arnheim’s theory of film is the author’s sceptical view of sound film (“...