Pētījumā tiek salīdzināta skolas vide pilsētas un lauku skolā. Pētījuma mērķis: izzināt un analizēt teorētisko literatūru par skolas vidi un salīdzināt skolas vidi pilsētas un lauku skolās. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no 2 daļām: 1.daļā pētīti D. Lieģenieces, I. Ķesteres, V. Zelmeņa, A. Zvirbules, L. Žukova un citu autoru darbi par skolas vides jēdzienu un skolotāja lomu skolas vides pilnveidē; 2. daļa ir metodiski praktiskā, kurā ar anketu palīdzību tiek aptaujāti 3 pilsētu un 3 lauku skolu skolēni un skolotāji, lai noskaidrotu viņu viedokli par skolas vidi viņu skolā. Pēc tam iegūtie dati tiek salīdzināti. Pētījums veikts trīs pilsētas un trīs lauku skolās. Pētījuma gaitā tika salīdzināta skolas vide trīs pilsētas un trīs la...
katedra: KPP; přílohy: 10 příloh, 1 CD; rozsah: 60 s., 22 tab., 10 přílohThe thesis deals with the i...
Straipsnyje, remiantis konkrečiais tyrimo duomenimis, atskleidžiami šiuolaikinių Lietuvos ugdymo įst...
Title: Analysis of the rural school in the 19th century in Bohemian-Moravian Highlands Author: Danie...
Theongoing changes that are connected with demographic, economic, social and eveneducational crises ...
Nowadays Latvian rural schools function under the conditions of constantly changeable environment, w...
Nowadaysrural schools function under the conditions of constantly changeableenvironment, where the p...
Under conditions of changes and instability in any state rural schools are faced to look for differe...
S obzirom na to da sredina u kojoj osoba živi predstavlja jedinstven kontekst koji može imati znača...
The object of this study was to investigate the development and training opportunities for residents...
Maģistra darba tēma ir „Lauku skolu attīstības iespējas: Rēzeknes novada piemērs”. Darba mērķis ir: ...
Kırsal bölge, genellikle tarım ve hayvancılığın yapıldığı, nispeten düşük nüfus yoğunluğuna sahip bö...
Education is the most important aspect in any society development. Present day’s school has to play ...
Students’ academic achievement as the community capital depends on the appropriate educational, phys...
The aim of this study was to compare the school performance between rural and urban students of 6th-...
Research was carried out on comparative analysis of environment and trends in primary and secondary ...
katedra: KPP; přílohy: 10 příloh, 1 CD; rozsah: 60 s., 22 tab., 10 přílohThe thesis deals with the i...
Straipsnyje, remiantis konkrečiais tyrimo duomenimis, atskleidžiami šiuolaikinių Lietuvos ugdymo įst...
Title: Analysis of the rural school in the 19th century in Bohemian-Moravian Highlands Author: Danie...
Theongoing changes that are connected with demographic, economic, social and eveneducational crises ...
Nowadays Latvian rural schools function under the conditions of constantly changeable environment, w...
Nowadaysrural schools function under the conditions of constantly changeableenvironment, where the p...
Under conditions of changes and instability in any state rural schools are faced to look for differe...
S obzirom na to da sredina u kojoj osoba živi predstavlja jedinstven kontekst koji može imati znača...
The object of this study was to investigate the development and training opportunities for residents...
Maģistra darba tēma ir „Lauku skolu attīstības iespējas: Rēzeknes novada piemērs”. Darba mērķis ir: ...
Kırsal bölge, genellikle tarım ve hayvancılığın yapıldığı, nispeten düşük nüfus yoğunluğuna sahip bö...
Education is the most important aspect in any society development. Present day’s school has to play ...
Students’ academic achievement as the community capital depends on the appropriate educational, phys...
The aim of this study was to compare the school performance between rural and urban students of 6th-...
Research was carried out on comparative analysis of environment and trends in primary and secondary ...
katedra: KPP; přílohy: 10 příloh, 1 CD; rozsah: 60 s., 22 tab., 10 přílohThe thesis deals with the i...
Straipsnyje, remiantis konkrečiais tyrimo duomenimis, atskleidžiami šiuolaikinių Lietuvos ugdymo įst...
Title: Analysis of the rural school in the 19th century in Bohemian-Moravian Highlands Author: Danie...