ISI Document Delivery No.: 273OY Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference Count: 1 Cited References: Gardelle J, 2013, CRYOSPHERE, V7, P1263, DOI 10.5194/tc-7-1263-2013 Gardelle, J. Berthier, E. Arnaud, Y. Kaab, A. 0 COPERNICUS GESELLSCHAFT MBH GOTTINGEN CRYOSPHEREThe recent evolution of Pamir-Karakoram- Himalaya (PKH) glaciers, widely acknowledged as valuable high-altitude as well as mid-latitude climatic indicators, remains poorly known. To estimate the regionwide glacier mass balance for 9 study sites spread from the Pamir to the Hengduan Shan (eastern Himalaya), we compared the 2000 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM) to recent (2008- 2011) DEMs derived from SPOT5 stereo imagery. During the last decade, the regio...