In the year of 2009 the conditions for managing primary healthcare in the region of Västra Götaland changed. The decision was taken by the regional assembly and resulted in that the citizens since then have had the o pportunity to choose whic h health care provider they prefer to stay with. Along with this decision a new market for private health care providers was established, which resulted in increased competition between the providers. In order t o manage the competi tion, the health care providers are now forced to be more efficient in their operations and also to be even more focused on their patients. Backa Läkarhusgruppen is an example of a private healthcare provider in the region of Västra Götaland . I n the same w ay it is also a...
Problem: Vilka är de drivande faktorerna till köbildning på klinikens avdelningar samt hur kan ökad ...
Summary Background: Hospitals are high-tech professional services organizations. Characterized by ra...
Healthcare organizations in Sweden are facing growing demands from the society while the demographic...
The purpose of this thesis is to explicate and explain deficiencies in the health care system in Swe...
The increasing privatization of society has lead to a new bill that has passed, that concerns primar...
Bakgrund: Västra Götalandsregionen införde vårdval inom Primärvård hösten 2009. I vårdvalet infördes...
Östergötland County Council has begun to implement “Lean-Thinking" in healthcare service. Staff at h...
Hälso- och sjukvårdvården har kritiserats och ifrågasatts där patienter hamnar mellan stolarna och k...
Bakgrund: Offentliga organisationer har under de senaste decennierna utsatts för förändring, detta t...
Something is happening within healthcare. An increased pressure for change towards increased efficie...
Background: The last three decades the Swedish public sector has undergone major changes. In Sweden,...
This master thesis is an analysis of how the amount of health centers per inhabitant has changed sin...
Swedish healthcare is faced with a scenario where it delivers a high quality service in medical term...
Problemområde – Med uppsatsen ämnas undersöka på vilket sätt hanteringen av patientrelaterad informa...
Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga hur effektiva privata vårdcentraler är, som har avtal med S...
Problem: Vilka är de drivande faktorerna till köbildning på klinikens avdelningar samt hur kan ökad ...
Summary Background: Hospitals are high-tech professional services organizations. Characterized by ra...
Healthcare organizations in Sweden are facing growing demands from the society while the demographic...
The purpose of this thesis is to explicate and explain deficiencies in the health care system in Swe...
The increasing privatization of society has lead to a new bill that has passed, that concerns primar...
Bakgrund: Västra Götalandsregionen införde vårdval inom Primärvård hösten 2009. I vårdvalet infördes...
Östergötland County Council has begun to implement “Lean-Thinking" in healthcare service. Staff at h...
Hälso- och sjukvårdvården har kritiserats och ifrågasatts där patienter hamnar mellan stolarna och k...
Bakgrund: Offentliga organisationer har under de senaste decennierna utsatts för förändring, detta t...
Something is happening within healthcare. An increased pressure for change towards increased efficie...
Background: The last three decades the Swedish public sector has undergone major changes. In Sweden,...
This master thesis is an analysis of how the amount of health centers per inhabitant has changed sin...
Swedish healthcare is faced with a scenario where it delivers a high quality service in medical term...
Problemområde – Med uppsatsen ämnas undersöka på vilket sätt hanteringen av patientrelaterad informa...
Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga hur effektiva privata vårdcentraler är, som har avtal med S...
Problem: Vilka är de drivande faktorerna till köbildning på klinikens avdelningar samt hur kan ökad ...
Summary Background: Hospitals are high-tech professional services organizations. Characterized by ra...
Healthcare organizations in Sweden are facing growing demands from the society while the demographic...