For four decades semiconductor electronics has followed Moore's law: with each generation of integration the circuit features became smaller, more complex and faster. This development is now reaching a wall so that smaller is no longer any faster. The clock rate has saturated at about 3-5 GHz and the parallel processor approach will soon reach its limit. The prime reason for the limitation the semiconductor electronics experiences is not the switching speed of the individual transistor, but its power dissipation and thus heat. Digital superconductive electronics is a circuit- and device-technology that is inherently faster at much less power dissipation than semiconductor electronics. It makes use of superconductors and Josephson junctions ...
Superconducting digital technology based on Rapid Single Flux Quantum logic (RSFQ) is a digital tech...
We give a broad overview of the history of microwave superconductivity and explore the technological...
Cryogen-free operation of is essential to spread applications of superconductivity and is indeed una...
For four decades semiconductor electronics has followed Moore\u27s law: with each generation of inte...
The roadmap gives an overview on status and future developments in Superconducting Digital Electroni...
Superconducting digital logic electronics based on Josephson junctions is established as the ultra-f...
309-318Superconducting devices are likely to lead to the development of new and improved electronic ...
During the last decades superconducting electronics has been the most prominent area of research for...
© 2017 Soloviev et al. The predictions of Moore's law are considered by experts to be valid until 20...
Superconducting digital technology based on Rapid Single Flux Quantum logic (RSFQ) offers more than ...
Contains reports on two research projects.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Contract MDA 972...
Single-flux quantum logic (SFQ) circuits, in which a flux quantum is used as an information carrier ...
Superconductor electronics combines passive and active superconducting components and sometimes norm...
The predictions of Moore’s law are considered by experts to be valid until 2020 giving rise to “post...
Here we use superconducting circuits as components for quantum computing and as model systems for no...
Superconducting digital technology based on Rapid Single Flux Quantum logic (RSFQ) is a digital tech...
We give a broad overview of the history of microwave superconductivity and explore the technological...
Cryogen-free operation of is essential to spread applications of superconductivity and is indeed una...
For four decades semiconductor electronics has followed Moore\u27s law: with each generation of inte...
The roadmap gives an overview on status and future developments in Superconducting Digital Electroni...
Superconducting digital logic electronics based on Josephson junctions is established as the ultra-f...
309-318Superconducting devices are likely to lead to the development of new and improved electronic ...
During the last decades superconducting electronics has been the most prominent area of research for...
© 2017 Soloviev et al. The predictions of Moore's law are considered by experts to be valid until 20...
Superconducting digital technology based on Rapid Single Flux Quantum logic (RSFQ) offers more than ...
Contains reports on two research projects.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Contract MDA 972...
Single-flux quantum logic (SFQ) circuits, in which a flux quantum is used as an information carrier ...
Superconductor electronics combines passive and active superconducting components and sometimes norm...
The predictions of Moore’s law are considered by experts to be valid until 2020 giving rise to “post...
Here we use superconducting circuits as components for quantum computing and as model systems for no...
Superconducting digital technology based on Rapid Single Flux Quantum logic (RSFQ) is a digital tech...
We give a broad overview of the history of microwave superconductivity and explore the technological...
Cryogen-free operation of is essential to spread applications of superconductivity and is indeed una...