Superconductor electronics combines passive and active superconducting components and sometimes normal resistors into functional circuits and systems that also include room-temperature electronics for amplification, power sources, necessary controls, etc., usually computer operated. Furthermore, complete systems include magnetic and electromagnetic shielding, cryogenic enclosures, and increasingly a cryocooler in self-contained units. Components or devices of low or high critical temperature superconductors include inductances (coils), passive transmission lines, resonators, antennae, filters, as well as active elements: Josephson junctions, Josephson oscillators, and superconducting quantum interference devices. Of multiple demonstrated ap...
The interest in superconducting electronics working at millikelvin temperatures has increased during...
The possible uses of high temperature superconductors in electronics applications are reviewed. The...
An early success in low temperature superconductor technology has led to the development of a number...
309-318Superconducting devices are likely to lead to the development of new and improved electronic ...
During the last decades superconducting electronics has been the most prominent area of research for...
This wide-ranging presentation of applied superconductivity, from fundamentals and materials right u...
Considerable progress has been achieved during the last few decades in the various fields of applied...
Superconductors The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in 1986 created the greatest sen...
Off-the-shelf room-temperature superconducting electronics are unavailable today because all superco...
Taking a technology from the laboratory to industry is a long and resource-consuming process. Discov...
Taking a technology from the laboratory to industry is a long and resource-consuming process. Discov...
For four decades semiconductor electronics has followed Moore's law: with each generation of integra...
Contains reports on two research projects.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Contract MDA 972...
The field of superconductivity is rich in history – more than 100 years – yet still at the forefront...
Summary: Superconducting materials hold great potential to bring radical changes for electric power ...
The interest in superconducting electronics working at millikelvin temperatures has increased during...
The possible uses of high temperature superconductors in electronics applications are reviewed. The...
An early success in low temperature superconductor technology has led to the development of a number...
309-318Superconducting devices are likely to lead to the development of new and improved electronic ...
During the last decades superconducting electronics has been the most prominent area of research for...
This wide-ranging presentation of applied superconductivity, from fundamentals and materials right u...
Considerable progress has been achieved during the last few decades in the various fields of applied...
Superconductors The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in 1986 created the greatest sen...
Off-the-shelf room-temperature superconducting electronics are unavailable today because all superco...
Taking a technology from the laboratory to industry is a long and resource-consuming process. Discov...
Taking a technology from the laboratory to industry is a long and resource-consuming process. Discov...
For four decades semiconductor electronics has followed Moore's law: with each generation of integra...
Contains reports on two research projects.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Contract MDA 972...
The field of superconductivity is rich in history – more than 100 years – yet still at the forefront...
Summary: Superconducting materials hold great potential to bring radical changes for electric power ...
The interest in superconducting electronics working at millikelvin temperatures has increased during...
The possible uses of high temperature superconductors in electronics applications are reviewed. The...
An early success in low temperature superconductor technology has led to the development of a number...