Tests conducted on the second paddy crop in Taipei in 1961 (Lee, 1961) showed that Sumithion gave excellent initial effect against the larvae of the paddy borer, Scho-enobius incertulas Wlk., but was effective residually only for about one week. In the present tests persistence of Sumithion at a higher insecticide concentration and in combination with endrin was compared with parathion, EPN, and endrin. A brief discussion was made on the mode of action of residues of endrin and parathion on the newly hatched larvae. Trials were also conducted op the residual effect of these compounds when applied in a soil. Two field tests were carried out at Chiayi and Taipei to study residual control of the pest. 前次試驗(Lee. 1961 ) Sumithion對三化螟初孵化幼蟲顯示優異之初效...