The English weekly newspaper, Los Angeles Star includes headings: [p.1]: [col. 3] "Traitorous words", "Singular story", "What is an archdeacon?", [col. 4] "Bombarding a balloon", [col.5] "Sketch of Henry VIII"; [p.2]: [col.1] "Democratic State ticket", "County nominations", "Our County ticket", "A review of President Lincoln's response to the Albany meeting", [col.3] "Democratic County convention", [col.4] "Convencion Democratica del condado", [col.5] "The Judicial tocket"; [p.3]: [col.1] "The feeling in Ohio", "The rebel General John Morgan", [col.2] "Mining", "Two men murdered", "Seward in 1860"; [p.4]: [col.1] "To the people of the State of California"