The English weekly newspaper, Los Angeles Star includes headings: [p.1]: [col.3] "No and yes", "Secretary Stanton levying black mail", "Butler and Stanton", [col.4] "The men who are called traitors", "Shocking death of a female blondin", "Questions for answer", [col.5] "General Booker's farewell speech", "Thadeus Stevens' policy"; [p.2]: [col.1] "The judicial election", "Grapes -- wine-making, &c.", [col.2] "From the mines", "The scenes of steamer day are becoming not a little interesting, if not amusing", [col.3] "How Kentucky voted", "Startling, if true", [col.4] "Eastern intelligence", "Fortress Monroe, September 29th", "The Herald's Washinton dispatch says it is understood that Gen. Halleck has columinous dispatches from Gen. Rosecrans....