17 images. Gold Cup race at Hollywood park, 12 July 1958. Ralph Lowe (owner of "Gallant Man"); Mr and Mrs. John Nerud; Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Leroy; Linda Leroy; Eddie Schmidt; Colonel and Mrs. L.G. Burns; Nancy Heinz Russell; Walker Mullen; Babs Lipstreu. (General views of races); (Shot of mother swan and babies).; Caption slip reads: "Photographer: Jensen. Date: 1958-07-12. Assignment: Holly Park. Flash 5 minutes. 92/93: Babs Lipstreu (Wheeling, West Va making pix [sic] of race. Action Dev. 8 minutes. 78: 1st race finish and crowd. 79: 2nd race start, num. 10 winner reves up for adorable. 48: 3rd race after start. 49: 3rd race photo finish number 5, 1st; number 7, 2nd".; Caption slip reads: "Photographer: Miller. Date: 07-12. Reporter: Spenc...