13 images. Hollywood Park races, 30 June 1951. Third race home stretch; "Citation" working; finish of first race; finish of second race; back stretch of second and third race.; Caption slip reads: "Photographer: Paegel. Assignment: Action! #2: Finish 1st race. #1: finish 2nd race. H9-10: Paddock shots, 1st race. H7: 1st race horses parading & crowd. H8: 1st race finish, 6-8-2-5. H11: 2nd race into home stretch, 1-6-2. H12: 3rd race turn for home, Sea Countess leading. H1-2: Citation workout. 41: 3rd race, home stretch, 42: Citation working. 26: Citation nearest camera - Skelter on the rail. 61: On the back stretch, 2nd race. 62: On the back stretch, 3rd race. 85-86: Citation working out with Skelter. Freeman MacMillan riding Citation"