"Bei den Brettersägern im Urwalde." ("At the woodworker's in the primeval forest.") Photograph of 3 African woodworkers at work in the middle of the primeval forest
"Die Waddesaastämme werden zu Brettern geschnitten." ("The waddesaa logs are cut into boards.") Phot...
"Arbeit begehrende Männer in Kyimbila." ("Men yearning for work in Kyimbila."). A large group of Afr...
“Abschälen des Bauholzes im Wald” (“Excoriation of the timber in the forest”). 11 young African men ...
"Beim Schreinermeister." ("At the master carpenter's.") Photograph of 3 African men working in front...
"Mbozi: Der Bauplatz. Stämme werden behauen, um dann zu Balken für das Kirchdach zerschnitten zu wer...
"Brettschneider in Rungwe bei d. Arbeit." ("Timber cutters at work in Rungwe."). African workers cut...
"Arbeiter der Missionsstation Mamba beim Brettersägen, Deutsch-Ost-Afrika." ("Workers of the mission...
Photograph of four Africans working in a field. Two women and a child are squatting on the ground an...
"Im Urwald am Birbir werden Kararostämme zu Brettern gepalten." ("In the primeval forest at the Birb...
"Fällen von Bäumen zum Brennen von Ziegeln" ("Chopping of tress for making bricks"). Fuming brickkil...
"Rungwe. Urwald." ("Rungwe. Primeval forest."). Four Africans standing behind two white men who are ...
"Wapare-Männer, welche Bauholz herbeischaffen" ("Wapare men who fetch timber"). Photograph of five A...
"Kyimbila. Arbeiter säubern die Kautschuk-Plantage." ("Kyimbila. Workers clean up a plantation of ru...
Photograph of three African men in front of a wall made of plants. Two are wearing European clothes,...
"Pare-Männer, welche Bauholz herbeigeschafft haben! Gonja, Süd-Pare, Deutsch-Ost-Afrika." ("Pare men...
"Die Waddesaastämme werden zu Brettern geschnitten." ("The waddesaa logs are cut into boards.") Phot...
"Arbeit begehrende Männer in Kyimbila." ("Men yearning for work in Kyimbila."). A large group of Afr...
“Abschälen des Bauholzes im Wald” (“Excoriation of the timber in the forest”). 11 young African men ...
"Beim Schreinermeister." ("At the master carpenter's.") Photograph of 3 African men working in front...
"Mbozi: Der Bauplatz. Stämme werden behauen, um dann zu Balken für das Kirchdach zerschnitten zu wer...
"Brettschneider in Rungwe bei d. Arbeit." ("Timber cutters at work in Rungwe."). African workers cut...
"Arbeiter der Missionsstation Mamba beim Brettersägen, Deutsch-Ost-Afrika." ("Workers of the mission...
Photograph of four Africans working in a field. Two women and a child are squatting on the ground an...
"Im Urwald am Birbir werden Kararostämme zu Brettern gepalten." ("In the primeval forest at the Birb...
"Fällen von Bäumen zum Brennen von Ziegeln" ("Chopping of tress for making bricks"). Fuming brickkil...
"Rungwe. Urwald." ("Rungwe. Primeval forest."). Four Africans standing behind two white men who are ...
"Wapare-Männer, welche Bauholz herbeischaffen" ("Wapare men who fetch timber"). Photograph of five A...
"Kyimbila. Arbeiter säubern die Kautschuk-Plantage." ("Kyimbila. Workers clean up a plantation of ru...
Photograph of three African men in front of a wall made of plants. Two are wearing European clothes,...
"Pare-Männer, welche Bauholz herbeigeschafft haben! Gonja, Süd-Pare, Deutsch-Ost-Afrika." ("Pare men...
"Die Waddesaastämme werden zu Brettern geschnitten." ("The waddesaa logs are cut into boards.") Phot...
"Arbeit begehrende Männer in Kyimbila." ("Men yearning for work in Kyimbila."). A large group of Afr...
“Abschälen des Bauholzes im Wald” (“Excoriation of the timber in the forest”). 11 young African men ...