"Baziya. Gemeindeglieder nach der Kirche (3 Frauen)" ("Baziya. Parishioners after church service (3 women)"). Three women in dresses and with headscarfs are sitting next to a wall. Two of them are wearing patterned blankets on their shoulders, the third one on the right side is wearing a dark drapery on her left shoulder. She is holding an object in her hands. Beside her a stick is leaning against the wall. The woman in the middle is also wearing a necklace and earrings.; Wilhelm Friedrich Karl Blohm, born in 1884 in Keffenbrinck (Germany), was a carpenter. In 1911 he married Marie Bürger. He started his missionary work in 1911 in Unyamwezi (East Africa). After being imprisoned by the Belgians from 1916 till 1917 he returned to Germany. Fro...