"Ussoke. Evangelisten, v. l. n. r.: Abel, Stephan, Paulo. Im Hintergrund Wohnhaus von Geschw. Nielsen" ("Ussoke. Envangelists, from left to right: Abel, Stephan, Paulo. In the background br[ethren] Nielsens' residential house"). A group of seven African men. The house behind them.; Nielsen, Johannes Samuel, carpenter. Born on the 19th of October 1887 in Christiansfeld, died 24th of January 1963. From 1909 until 1933 he served the Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine in Unyamwezi where he worked in his profession. From 1909 until 1912 he was assistant carpenter in Sikonge. From 1912 until 1913 he was on holiday in Europe where he married Louise Oster on the 25th of April 1913. He returned to Sikonge and stayed there until 1914, when he joined the coloni...