"Moravian Hope: Kleine Schulkinder spielen in der Pause vor der Kirche. Links Br. Joorst, Vater und Sohn und eine Lehrerin. vergl. 9660/61." ("Moravian Hope: Little schoolchildren play in front of the church during the break. [On] [the] left Brethren Joorst, father and son and a female teacher. cf. 9660/61."). The picture shows the entrance of a church building. Stairs lead up to two entrance doors. Above them an electric lamp. In front of the church stands a group of children of African origin in a circle. The children hold each other by their hands. On the left stand a young and an older man and a woman. All probably of mixed origin. Behind them on the left a wooden fence and a tree. Written on the card board: "9.2.34. P. Theile."; Cf. ...