Annotation translation: "Village magic. Houses and whole villages are protected from evil spirits by such strongly magical objects tied to sticks in the open air. The Mbembe push sticks into the earth in a circle and bind them together with fibres from palm fronds. They tie feathers, of birds and chickens, to the sticks and fix chicken-heads and snail-shells to their [the sticks'] ends. If, in spite of this, suffering occurs then the logic is simple: the magic has not been strong enough."; Annotation: "Dorfzauber. Wohnungen & ganze Dörfer werden dadurch vor bösen Geistern bewahrt, dass im Freien an Stecken zauberkräftige Gegenstände angebunden werden. Die Mbembeleute pflanzen einige Stöcke kreisrund in den Boden & verbinden sie untereinande...