Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti vpliv dodatka vira ogljika na donos algne biomase in koncentracije klorofila. Mikroalge Chlorella sorokiniana smo inkubirali v tekočem gojišču ter v posameznih poskusih dodali vir ogljika, za kar smo uporabili grozdni sok in med. Omenjeno algno suspenzijo smo poskušali gojiti pri avtotrofnem, heterotrofnem in miksotrofnem rastnem režimu. Glavni parametri, ki smo jih spremljali so pH, temperatura in koncentracija raztopljenega kisika. Prirast mikroalg smo določali z merjenjem optične gostote pri različnih valovnih dolžinah, z direktnim štetjem algnih celic pod mikroskopom, z določanjem suhe mase alg ter z vsebnostjo klorofila. Mikroalge, ki so rastle na gojišču, brez dodatka vira ogljika, smo v eksperi...
Many studies have proven that the type of light source and the lighting regime have significantly in...
The high cost of production in the cultivation of microalgae in photobioreactors is a barrier to be ...
V diplomskem delu smo proučili možnost mlečnokislinske fermentacije alg. Nekateri viri kažejo na mož...
Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti vpliv dodatka vira ogljika na donos algne biomase in koncent...
Uzgoj zelenih jednostaničnih algi poput Chlorella vulgaris ekološki je prihvatljiv i odrţiv proces. ...
Microalgae invite the attention of scientists due to their unique properties, including their quick ...
Algal cultivation fits in sustainable development of natural environment. Their biomass is increasin...
Chlorofyly a karotenoidy jsou přírodní pigmenty sloužící jako antioxidanty. Tyto látky jsou vhodné k...
Diplomová práce zkoumá vliv biologického stresu vyvolaného za podmínek kokultivace heterotrofních (k...
Algal cultivation fits in sustainable development of natural environment. Their biomass is increasin...
A study on the possibility of using optical density measurement by UV-Vis spectrophotometry to contr...
Iz uzetih uzoraka vode na toku rijeke Gacke, uspješno su izolirani rodovi Chlorella, Scenedesmus i C...
Iz uzetih uzoraka vode na toku rijeke Gacke, uspješno su izolirani rodovi Chlorella, Scenedesmus i C...
This thesis mainly focuses on solving the challenges faced in the production of sustainable growth m...
The diploma thesis is focused on the influence of biological stress formed by co-cultivation of hete...
Many studies have proven that the type of light source and the lighting regime have significantly in...
The high cost of production in the cultivation of microalgae in photobioreactors is a barrier to be ...
V diplomskem delu smo proučili možnost mlečnokislinske fermentacije alg. Nekateri viri kažejo na mož...
Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti vpliv dodatka vira ogljika na donos algne biomase in koncent...
Uzgoj zelenih jednostaničnih algi poput Chlorella vulgaris ekološki je prihvatljiv i odrţiv proces. ...
Microalgae invite the attention of scientists due to their unique properties, including their quick ...
Algal cultivation fits in sustainable development of natural environment. Their biomass is increasin...
Chlorofyly a karotenoidy jsou přírodní pigmenty sloužící jako antioxidanty. Tyto látky jsou vhodné k...
Diplomová práce zkoumá vliv biologického stresu vyvolaného za podmínek kokultivace heterotrofních (k...
Algal cultivation fits in sustainable development of natural environment. Their biomass is increasin...
A study on the possibility of using optical density measurement by UV-Vis spectrophotometry to contr...
Iz uzetih uzoraka vode na toku rijeke Gacke, uspješno su izolirani rodovi Chlorella, Scenedesmus i C...
Iz uzetih uzoraka vode na toku rijeke Gacke, uspješno su izolirani rodovi Chlorella, Scenedesmus i C...
This thesis mainly focuses on solving the challenges faced in the production of sustainable growth m...
The diploma thesis is focused on the influence of biological stress formed by co-cultivation of hete...
Many studies have proven that the type of light source and the lighting regime have significantly in...
The high cost of production in the cultivation of microalgae in photobioreactors is a barrier to be ...
V diplomskem delu smo proučili možnost mlečnokislinske fermentacije alg. Nekateri viri kažejo na mož...