Naša raziskava je imela dva dela. V 1. delu smo proučevali genetske odnose med malinjaki (Rubus idaeus L.), zbranimi okoli nekaterih karakterističnih srednjeveških gradov, kartuzijanskih samostanov in v bližnjih vaseh. V 2.delu smo enako raziskavo opravili s sedmimi novejšimi kultiviranimi sortami, ki izvirajo iz Bolgarije, Francije, Slovenije in Švice, in z metodo s prstnimi odtisi s pomočjo mikrosatelitskih markerjev identificirali sorte. Predvidevali smo, da bi genotipe hipotetičnih srednjeveških malinjakov lahko zasledili ob ostankih srednjeveških naselij. Ti genotipi so preživeli v naravnih razmerah brez generativnega razmnoževanja vsaj 3 stoletja. Analiza je temeljila na mikrosatelitskih markerjih. Identificirali smo 155 alelov, povez...
Previous molecular investigations into Rubus species diversity have yielded significant knowledge ab...
Background Due to a relatively high level of codominant inheritance and transferability within and a...
Graduation date: 2007Two studies used DNA markers to assess their usefulness in germplasm\ud identif...
Divje maline so zelo pogosto prisotne trajnice slovenske pokrajine, ki tvorijo naravno populacijo. Z...
In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were us...
Raspberry cultivars are clonally propagated and therefore all plants belonging to a single cultivar ...
Raspberry is a valuable berry crop containing a large amount of antioxidants that correlates with th...
Two studies used DNA markers to assess their usefulness in germplasm identification and evaluation o...
Breeding in raspberry is time-consuming due to the highly heterozygous nature of this perennial frui...
Wild red raspberry is widely spread in Lithuania, but it is poorly studied genetically. The main obj...
The N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry (VIR) holds and maintains collections of various crop p...
The variability of a Ribes spp. germplasm collection was characterized using molecular markers as a ...
Divje češnje so značilna drevesa slovenske pokrajine, ki tvorijo naravno populacijo. Zmožnost razlik...
Introduction Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) is an outcrossing (but self fertile) diploid fruit cr...
The variability of a Ribes spp. germplasm collection was characterized using molecular markers as a ...
Previous molecular investigations into Rubus species diversity have yielded significant knowledge ab...
Background Due to a relatively high level of codominant inheritance and transferability within and a...
Graduation date: 2007Two studies used DNA markers to assess their usefulness in germplasm\ud identif...
Divje maline so zelo pogosto prisotne trajnice slovenske pokrajine, ki tvorijo naravno populacijo. Z...
In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were us...
Raspberry cultivars are clonally propagated and therefore all plants belonging to a single cultivar ...
Raspberry is a valuable berry crop containing a large amount of antioxidants that correlates with th...
Two studies used DNA markers to assess their usefulness in germplasm identification and evaluation o...
Breeding in raspberry is time-consuming due to the highly heterozygous nature of this perennial frui...
Wild red raspberry is widely spread in Lithuania, but it is poorly studied genetically. The main obj...
The N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry (VIR) holds and maintains collections of various crop p...
The variability of a Ribes spp. germplasm collection was characterized using molecular markers as a ...
Divje češnje so značilna drevesa slovenske pokrajine, ki tvorijo naravno populacijo. Zmožnost razlik...
Introduction Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) is an outcrossing (but self fertile) diploid fruit cr...
The variability of a Ribes spp. germplasm collection was characterized using molecular markers as a ...
Previous molecular investigations into Rubus species diversity have yielded significant knowledge ab...
Background Due to a relatively high level of codominant inheritance and transferability within and a...
Graduation date: 2007Two studies used DNA markers to assess their usefulness in germplasm\ud identif...