Leta 2012 je bil izveden poljski poskus na lokaciji Podova v občini Rače-Fram, v kraju Gorica ob glavni cesti. V poskusu smo primerjali pojavnost izpustov ogljikovega dioksida iz lahkih tal med tremi tehnikami obdelave taloranje in priprava tal s predsetvenikom, rahljalnikom ter direktna setev. Namen poskusa je bil ugotoviti, kateri načini obdelave tal povzroča večje izpuste ogljikovega dioksida iz tal in ali so izpusti ogljikovega dioksida odvisni od temperature tal in padavin. Iz pridobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da je najprimernejši način obdelave tal neposredna oziroma direktna setev. Ta način obdelave v primerjavi z drugima dvema načinoma ne prihrani le časa in energije za obdelavo, ampak tudi v veliki meri zmanjšuje izpuste CO2 i...
Osnovni oblik ugljika u prirodi je ugljikov dioksid (CO2). Od mnogih stakleničkih plinova (N2O, CH4 ...
The emissions of CO2 gas at the surface of soil is known to be called soil breathing process. Once w...
Soil-degrading factors, such as tillage, can increase the CO2 emissions from the soil. For this reas...
Leta 2011 je bil izveden poljski poskus na parceli "Center", v bližini Zgornje Kungote. S pomočjo me...
Intensive agricultural production strongly influences the global processes that determine climate ch...
Bakalauro studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiama skirtingo žemės dirbimo įtaka dirvožemio savybėms, C...
The tillage of the soil can significantly influence soil's temperature and CO2 gas emission, affecti...
With the intensive development of industry, agriculture, forestry, public utilities, and other field...
Extreme meteorological phenomena resulting from climate change caused by anthropogenic emissions of ...
Tillage can significantly influence soil temperature and CO2 gas emission affecting global climate c...
Different tillage technologies have different effects on CO2 emissions from soil. Unfortunately, lit...
In the context of global climate changes the attention of the research is focused on the soil tillag...
Agricultural management practices such as soil tillage may influence decay rates of dead biomass, le...
Nonsustainable agricultural practices often lead to soil carbon loss and increased soil carbon dioxi...
Leidinio DOI: https://doi.org/10.7220/1822-9913.2020The physical properties of the soil are influenc...
Osnovni oblik ugljika u prirodi je ugljikov dioksid (CO2). Od mnogih stakleničkih plinova (N2O, CH4 ...
The emissions of CO2 gas at the surface of soil is known to be called soil breathing process. Once w...
Soil-degrading factors, such as tillage, can increase the CO2 emissions from the soil. For this reas...
Leta 2011 je bil izveden poljski poskus na parceli "Center", v bližini Zgornje Kungote. S pomočjo me...
Intensive agricultural production strongly influences the global processes that determine climate ch...
Bakalauro studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiama skirtingo žemės dirbimo įtaka dirvožemio savybėms, C...
The tillage of the soil can significantly influence soil's temperature and CO2 gas emission, affecti...
With the intensive development of industry, agriculture, forestry, public utilities, and other field...
Extreme meteorological phenomena resulting from climate change caused by anthropogenic emissions of ...
Tillage can significantly influence soil temperature and CO2 gas emission affecting global climate c...
Different tillage technologies have different effects on CO2 emissions from soil. Unfortunately, lit...
In the context of global climate changes the attention of the research is focused on the soil tillag...
Agricultural management practices such as soil tillage may influence decay rates of dead biomass, le...
Nonsustainable agricultural practices often lead to soil carbon loss and increased soil carbon dioxi...
Leidinio DOI: https://doi.org/10.7220/1822-9913.2020The physical properties of the soil are influenc...
Osnovni oblik ugljika u prirodi je ugljikov dioksid (CO2). Od mnogih stakleničkih plinova (N2O, CH4 ...
The emissions of CO2 gas at the surface of soil is known to be called soil breathing process. Once w...
Soil-degrading factors, such as tillage, can increase the CO2 emissions from the soil. For this reas...