In the context of global climate changes the attention of the research is focused on the soil tillage technologies. Soil tillage significantly affects the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released from soil to the atmosphere. Research of the soil emissions is usually conducted in field conditions. The aim of this study is to increase efficiency of the research by substitution of the field method by laboratory method of measuring CO2 emissions released from soil. The INNOVA measuring devices equipped with the photoacoustic infrared detection sensor was used. The field method measurement is conducted directly in the field conditions. The laboratory method consists of collecting soil samples from the field by sampling probes and their subsequent...
Forest soil is an important source of atmospheric CO2. Emission of CO2 from soil is the result of re...
Tillage can significantly influence soil temperature and CO2 gas emission affecting global climate c...
This paper presents the results of CO2 concentration in the soil air in attempt to determine the inf...
Osnovni oblik ugljika u prirodi je ugljikov dioksid (CO2). Od mnogih stakleničkih plinova (N2O, CH4 ...
The use of fertilizer spreaders is accompanied by a different quality of work these machines, which ...
Leta 2012 je bil izveden poljski poskus na lokaciji Podova v občini Rače-Fram, v kraju Gorica ob gla...
Leta 2011 je bil izveden poljski poskus na parceli "Center", v bližini Zgornje Kungote. S pomočjo me...
Intensive agricultural production strongly influences the global processes that determine climate ch...
With the intensive development of industry, agriculture, forestry, public utilities, and other field...
The tillage of the soil can significantly influence soil's temperature and CO2 gas emission, affecti...
Today's global challenge is the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhous...
Podsumowano dotychczasowe, blisko dziesięcioletnie, doświadczenia zespołu Pracowni Geotechnologii IG...
The paper reflects the results of studying the temporal variability of carbon dioxide fluxes by the ...
Oglekļa dioksīda emisijas aprēķināšanai no lauksaimniecībā izmantojamām zemēm Latvijā izmanto padomj...
There is close correlation between the degree and intensity of CO2-emission from the soil and the st...
Forest soil is an important source of atmospheric CO2. Emission of CO2 from soil is the result of re...
Tillage can significantly influence soil temperature and CO2 gas emission affecting global climate c...
This paper presents the results of CO2 concentration in the soil air in attempt to determine the inf...
Osnovni oblik ugljika u prirodi je ugljikov dioksid (CO2). Od mnogih stakleničkih plinova (N2O, CH4 ...
The use of fertilizer spreaders is accompanied by a different quality of work these machines, which ...
Leta 2012 je bil izveden poljski poskus na lokaciji Podova v občini Rače-Fram, v kraju Gorica ob gla...
Leta 2011 je bil izveden poljski poskus na parceli "Center", v bližini Zgornje Kungote. S pomočjo me...
Intensive agricultural production strongly influences the global processes that determine climate ch...
With the intensive development of industry, agriculture, forestry, public utilities, and other field...
The tillage of the soil can significantly influence soil's temperature and CO2 gas emission, affecti...
Today's global challenge is the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhous...
Podsumowano dotychczasowe, blisko dziesięcioletnie, doświadczenia zespołu Pracowni Geotechnologii IG...
The paper reflects the results of studying the temporal variability of carbon dioxide fluxes by the ...
Oglekļa dioksīda emisijas aprēķināšanai no lauksaimniecībā izmantojamām zemēm Latvijā izmanto padomj...
There is close correlation between the degree and intensity of CO2-emission from the soil and the st...
Forest soil is an important source of atmospheric CO2. Emission of CO2 from soil is the result of re...
Tillage can significantly influence soil temperature and CO2 gas emission affecting global climate c...
This paper presents the results of CO2 concentration in the soil air in attempt to determine the inf...