Sodobni način življenja nam ne daje dovolj časa, da bi sproščeno živeli z naravo in ugotavljali vplive okolja na počutje in potek usode. Danes se soočamo z izjemnim tehnološkim napredkom in z vedno manj znanja o naravi. Bogastvo se meri s količino prostega časa, ki si ga lahko privoščimo. Zavedanje o tem, da tega ni možno kupiti ali nadomestiti z nobeno materialno vrednoto in da je to dosegljivo z višjo stopnjo zavedanja, nam odpira vrata v svobodo in brezčasnost. Ta raj je zunaj dosega našega uma in je dosegljiv le redkim. Feng Shui nas usmerja prav v to smer, uporablja metode izračunov dvigajočih se ali padajočih življenjskih energij v različnih časovnih obdobjih, različnih krajih, hišah in stanovanjih, pri različnih tipih ljudi. Z različ...
Le Feng shui regroupe les connaissances des Chinois sur les notions de temps, d’espace, d’environnem...
Mikro Feng Shui merupakan penerapan kaidah Feng Shui pada elemen ruang dalam arsitektur. Keterbatasa...
After five decades of its presence in the Western European space, the architectural profession, rega...
The primary object of this bachelor thesis is to study the influence of chinese art feng shui on pla...
Feng shui is a form flow applied through experience and intuition for solving problems in interior d...
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006Thesis (M.Sc.) -- ...
V članku obravnavam osnovne prvine kitajske vede fengshui 风水, ki se je razvila iz specifično kitajsk...
Feng shui has a long, diverse history in the lives of the people of China. Beginning with civilizati...
poster abstractThe purpose of this project is to research how Feng Shui is suggested to apply to hos...
The Feng Shui, the "wind-water", is a Chinese system of geomancy using the laws of both Heaven and E...
This pocket-sized book is a summary of the 7 books for practical guide in “Designing of living space...
Feng shui is a form flow applied through experience and intuition for solving problems in interior d...
U radu je predstavljena ideja vizualizacije hrane u muzejima, inspirirana drevnom kineskom vještinom...
The feng shui philosophy, Le Corbusier's visions and the Nightingale model are three seemingly diffe...
It has been contextual nowadays to observe the traditional feng-shui theory currently becoming popu...
Le Feng shui regroupe les connaissances des Chinois sur les notions de temps, d’espace, d’environnem...
Mikro Feng Shui merupakan penerapan kaidah Feng Shui pada elemen ruang dalam arsitektur. Keterbatasa...
After five decades of its presence in the Western European space, the architectural profession, rega...
The primary object of this bachelor thesis is to study the influence of chinese art feng shui on pla...
Feng shui is a form flow applied through experience and intuition for solving problems in interior d...
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006Thesis (M.Sc.) -- ...
V članku obravnavam osnovne prvine kitajske vede fengshui 风水, ki se je razvila iz specifično kitajsk...
Feng shui has a long, diverse history in the lives of the people of China. Beginning with civilizati...
poster abstractThe purpose of this project is to research how Feng Shui is suggested to apply to hos...
The Feng Shui, the "wind-water", is a Chinese system of geomancy using the laws of both Heaven and E...
This pocket-sized book is a summary of the 7 books for practical guide in “Designing of living space...
Feng shui is a form flow applied through experience and intuition for solving problems in interior d...
U radu je predstavljena ideja vizualizacije hrane u muzejima, inspirirana drevnom kineskom vještinom...
The feng shui philosophy, Le Corbusier's visions and the Nightingale model are three seemingly diffe...
It has been contextual nowadays to observe the traditional feng-shui theory currently becoming popu...
Le Feng shui regroupe les connaissances des Chinois sur les notions de temps, d’espace, d’environnem...
Mikro Feng Shui merupakan penerapan kaidah Feng Shui pada elemen ruang dalam arsitektur. Keterbatasa...
After five decades of its presence in the Western European space, the architectural profession, rega...