U radu je predstavljena ideja vizualizacije hrane u muzejima, inspirirana drevnom kineskom vještinom feng shui. Zbog egzotične i mistične note koju u sebi nosi ovakva zamisao, ona će se vjerojatno mnogima učiniti neozbiljnom, no smatram je dovoljno intrigantnom da privuče pažnju muzeologa i etnologa. Misao, koju iznosim, ukratko glasi da drevna kineska vještina feng shui može poslužiti kao svojevrstan vodič pri osmišljavanju dizajna prostora pa tako i muzejskog postava. Slijedom njezinih postavki, uspješna bi primjena u organiziranju i dekoriranju izložbenog prostora trebala pridonijeti općem pozitivnom dojmu kod publike pa tako i zapaženosti same izložbe.This article presents the idea of food visualization in museums, inspired by the a...
The primary object of this bachelor thesis is to study the influence of chinese art feng shui on pla...
Since the second half of the XX Century, the attention to the food intended as a component of daily ...
TITTLE: Food as cultural and social phenomenon, ethics of dining - gastronomical world. AUTHOR: Mich...
Hrana se sastoji od opipljivih, materijalnih tvari koje ljudi konzumiraju. Međutim, poznavanje i pra...
U Muzeju “Staro selo” Kumrovec postavljena je još 1985. godine stalna izložba “Zagorska svadba” s pr...
Sodobni način življenja nam ne daje dovolj časa, da bi sproščeno živeli z naravo in ugotavljali vpli...
poster abstractThe purpose of this project is to research how Feng Shui is suggested to apply to hos...
Exploring feng shui: The 3D Real-time Experience is an interactive 3D design project that introduces...
The relationship between food and human is inseparable. The evolution of food is as old as human civ...
Concerning tourist consumption, food purchasing is commonly regarded as a key purchase for those see...
The article begins with thoughts on general museology, then presents and analyses several tangible c...
Abstract An experiment on assessing the influence of the artistic visual presentation of food on th...
The Diploma thesis documents the making of a series of ceramics objects designed for serving and hol...
Feng shui has a long, diverse history in the lives of the people of China. Beginning with civilizati...
Feng Shui is an important part of Chinese culture for many centuries and used in the Taoist religion...
The primary object of this bachelor thesis is to study the influence of chinese art feng shui on pla...
Since the second half of the XX Century, the attention to the food intended as a component of daily ...
TITTLE: Food as cultural and social phenomenon, ethics of dining - gastronomical world. AUTHOR: Mich...
Hrana se sastoji od opipljivih, materijalnih tvari koje ljudi konzumiraju. Međutim, poznavanje i pra...
U Muzeju “Staro selo” Kumrovec postavljena je još 1985. godine stalna izložba “Zagorska svadba” s pr...
Sodobni način življenja nam ne daje dovolj časa, da bi sproščeno živeli z naravo in ugotavljali vpli...
poster abstractThe purpose of this project is to research how Feng Shui is suggested to apply to hos...
Exploring feng shui: The 3D Real-time Experience is an interactive 3D design project that introduces...
The relationship between food and human is inseparable. The evolution of food is as old as human civ...
Concerning tourist consumption, food purchasing is commonly regarded as a key purchase for those see...
The article begins with thoughts on general museology, then presents and analyses several tangible c...
Abstract An experiment on assessing the influence of the artistic visual presentation of food on th...
The Diploma thesis documents the making of a series of ceramics objects designed for serving and hol...
Feng shui has a long, diverse history in the lives of the people of China. Beginning with civilizati...
Feng Shui is an important part of Chinese culture for many centuries and used in the Taoist religion...
The primary object of this bachelor thesis is to study the influence of chinese art feng shui on pla...
Since the second half of the XX Century, the attention to the food intended as a component of daily ...
TITTLE: Food as cultural and social phenomenon, ethics of dining - gastronomical world. AUTHOR: Mich...