Ljudje nismo edini, ki komuniciramo. Ravno nasprotno, vsa živa bitja imajo razvit nek način komuniciranja. Vendar pa je človeški jezik v primerjavi z ostalimi komunikacijskimi sistemi veliko bolj kompleksen in edinstven. Ljudje smo sposobni iz omejenega števila glasov ustvariti neomejeno število izrazov. Človeška komunikacija v nasprotju z živalsko, instinktivna, nastaja zavestno in je nepredvidljiva. Zato lahko trdimo, da je človek edina vrsta, ki pozna jezik. Obstaja veliko teorij, zakaj so ljudje začeli govoriti, saj igra jezik pomembno vlogo na različnih področjih družbenega življenja. Pojava jezika je človeški vrsti prinesla mnogo prednosti. Bolje so lahko koordinirali lov in nabiranje hrane, različne generacije so si preko jezika iz...
This paper deals with the problems of phylogenesis and ontogenesis of language, departing from Nikla...
What is language? What turned language into what it is? How is it orga-nized? And why is complex lan...
This thesis concerns the evolution of language. A proliferation of theoretical models have been pres...
Jezik je jedan od mnogobrojnih oblika komunikacije, a ono što ga čini uistinu zanimljivim jest da je...
Pred nekaj leti se je v reviji Time pojavil članek z naslovom »Začetki človeštva«. V tem članku je b...
Language is the primary force of human social life. It is the most important characteristic that sep...
The content of this paper will explore various ideas in the scope of linguistics in order to shed li...
The conceptual basis of the article includes descriptions, characteristics and relationships between...
The origins and evolution of language and speech, and the processes governing language change repres...
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je predstaviti, analizirati i protumačiti vezu i evoluciju jezika i genet...
Jezik je sistem. Sistem z različnimi pravili. Jezik je tisti, ki nas loči od ostalih živali. Obstaja...
This paper discusses the role of linguistics in studying human evolution. In the preamble on major s...
Where should we seek the roots of natural language? Common sense suggests that human language should...
This paper demonstrates the usefulness of evolutionary analysis in understanding the relation betwee...
UČENJE JEZIKA I MODERNO DRUŠTVO Mediji i samo društvo često utječu na roditelje i na njihovu želj...
This paper deals with the problems of phylogenesis and ontogenesis of language, departing from Nikla...
What is language? What turned language into what it is? How is it orga-nized? And why is complex lan...
This thesis concerns the evolution of language. A proliferation of theoretical models have been pres...
Jezik je jedan od mnogobrojnih oblika komunikacije, a ono što ga čini uistinu zanimljivim jest da je...
Pred nekaj leti se je v reviji Time pojavil članek z naslovom »Začetki človeštva«. V tem članku je b...
Language is the primary force of human social life. It is the most important characteristic that sep...
The content of this paper will explore various ideas in the scope of linguistics in order to shed li...
The conceptual basis of the article includes descriptions, characteristics and relationships between...
The origins and evolution of language and speech, and the processes governing language change repres...
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je predstaviti, analizirati i protumačiti vezu i evoluciju jezika i genet...
Jezik je sistem. Sistem z različnimi pravili. Jezik je tisti, ki nas loči od ostalih živali. Obstaja...
This paper discusses the role of linguistics in studying human evolution. In the preamble on major s...
Where should we seek the roots of natural language? Common sense suggests that human language should...
This paper demonstrates the usefulness of evolutionary analysis in understanding the relation betwee...
UČENJE JEZIKA I MODERNO DRUŠTVO Mediji i samo društvo često utječu na roditelje i na njihovu želj...
This paper deals with the problems of phylogenesis and ontogenesis of language, departing from Nikla...
What is language? What turned language into what it is? How is it orga-nized? And why is complex lan...
This thesis concerns the evolution of language. A proliferation of theoretical models have been pres...