Title from caption."An illustrated monthly. Tales and timely articles from foreign tongues."Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption."An illustrated magazine devoted to domesticated animal nature."Mode of access: I...
Title from cover."An illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the interests of artistic and scientifi...
Title from cover."A monthly of history, folklore, mathematics, literature, science, art, arcane soci...
Title from vol. t.p."A magazine of contemporary thought."Mode of access: Internet
Volume title page, issued separately, has title: The International monthly magazine of literature, s...
"Sonderabdruck aus 'Internationale Monatsschrift f. Wissenschaft, Kunst u. Technik,' 9. Jahrg., 12."...
Caption title: "Tales from the English annuals for 1835."Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption."A national magazine of literature, art, politics, and society."Mode of access: I...
Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Continued by Modern language teaching, and Modern langua...
Title from caption."The monthly magazine of belles-lettres and the arts."Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption."...international marketing and trade finance assistance."Mode of access: Interne...
Description based on: v. 2, no. 4, April 1911.Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet
"Sonderabdruck aus 'Internationale monatsschrift f. wissenschaft kunst u. technik' 10. jahrg. 10."Ca...
Title from caption."A popular journal of general literature, science and politics."Mode of access: I...
Chiefly in English with contributions in Esperanto, French, German, etc."An illustrated monthly miss...
Title from caption."An illustrated magazine devoted to domesticated animal nature."Mode of access: I...
Title from cover."An illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the interests of artistic and scientifi...
Title from cover."A monthly of history, folklore, mathematics, literature, science, art, arcane soci...
Title from vol. t.p."A magazine of contemporary thought."Mode of access: Internet
Volume title page, issued separately, has title: The International monthly magazine of literature, s...
"Sonderabdruck aus 'Internationale Monatsschrift f. Wissenschaft, Kunst u. Technik,' 9. Jahrg., 12."...
Caption title: "Tales from the English annuals for 1835."Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption."A national magazine of literature, art, politics, and society."Mode of access: I...
Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Continued by Modern language teaching, and Modern langua...
Title from caption."The monthly magazine of belles-lettres and the arts."Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption."...international marketing and trade finance assistance."Mode of access: Interne...
Description based on: v. 2, no. 4, April 1911.Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet
"Sonderabdruck aus 'Internationale monatsschrift f. wissenschaft kunst u. technik' 10. jahrg. 10."Ca...
Title from caption."A popular journal of general literature, science and politics."Mode of access: I...
Chiefly in English with contributions in Esperanto, French, German, etc."An illustrated monthly miss...
Title from caption."An illustrated magazine devoted to domesticated animal nature."Mode of access: I...
Title from cover."An illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the interests of artistic and scientifi...
Title from cover."A monthly of history, folklore, mathematics, literature, science, art, arcane soci...