Title from caption."A national magazine of literature, art, politics, and society."Mode of access: Internet
Editor: M.D. Conway.Title from cover."A monthly magazine for literature, philosophy and religion."Mo...
"A monthly periodical devoted to religion and literature."Title from caption.Mode of access: Interne...
In: Harper's new monthly magzine, volume 75, number 446.Caption title.Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption."A popular journal of general literature, science and politics."Mode of access: I...
Description based on: New ser., no. 6 (Dec. 1864); title from cover."Devoted to literature, art, sci...
Title from caption."Vol. title page, issued separately, has title: New American magazine of literatu...
Title from caption."The monthly magazine of belles-lettres and the arts."Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption.A monthly magazine for the household.Mode of access: Internet
A monthly miscellany, devoted to literature, science, history, biography, and the arts; including al...
Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Issued by: the New York Book Publishers' Association
Title from caption."An illustrated magazine devoted to domesticated animal nature."Mode of access: I...
"A quarterly magazine of pleasure and profit for the man or woman with a hobby."Caption title.Mode o...
Title from caption.Poole's index to periodical literatureNo more published.Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Vols. 1-5, with v. 5; v. 1-10, with v. 10
Some issues published in revised editions.Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet
Editor: M.D. Conway.Title from cover."A monthly magazine for literature, philosophy and religion."Mo...
"A monthly periodical devoted to religion and literature."Title from caption.Mode of access: Interne...
In: Harper's new monthly magzine, volume 75, number 446.Caption title.Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption."A popular journal of general literature, science and politics."Mode of access: I...
Description based on: New ser., no. 6 (Dec. 1864); title from cover."Devoted to literature, art, sci...
Title from caption."Vol. title page, issued separately, has title: New American magazine of literatu...
Title from caption."The monthly magazine of belles-lettres and the arts."Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption.A monthly magazine for the household.Mode of access: Internet
A monthly miscellany, devoted to literature, science, history, biography, and the arts; including al...
Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Issued by: the New York Book Publishers' Association
Title from caption."An illustrated magazine devoted to domesticated animal nature."Mode of access: I...
"A quarterly magazine of pleasure and profit for the man or woman with a hobby."Caption title.Mode o...
Title from caption.Poole's index to periodical literatureNo more published.Mode of access: Internet
Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet.Vols. 1-5, with v. 5; v. 1-10, with v. 10
Some issues published in revised editions.Title from caption.Mode of access: Internet
Editor: M.D. Conway.Title from cover."A monthly magazine for literature, philosophy and religion."Mo...
"A monthly periodical devoted to religion and literature."Title from caption.Mode of access: Interne...
In: Harper's new monthly magzine, volume 75, number 446.Caption title.Mode of access: Internet