Erica notholeeana (E.G.H.Oliver) E.G.H.OliverSE slopes and neck with short moist fynbos. Locally frequent erect shrublets to 600 mm: flowers reddish green, sticky
Cavendishia amplexa LuteynTerrestrial shrub to 2 m tall. Floral bracts pinkish to red. Calyx trans...
Eugenia farameoides A.Rich., determined by F.R. Barrie 2004Mountain slopes and coastal planins, in t...
In front , good specimen of Erica caffra in full flower with the browning mass of Erica demissa behi...
Erica hermani E.G.H.Oliv., determined by E.G.H. Oliver 1993Sandy with dense short fynbos Locally fr...
Erica procaviana (E.G.H.Oliver) E.G.H.OliverGrowing from rock crevice in massive rock with E. aspect
The inclusion of the genus Philippia Klotzsch within Erica L. is formalized for the region covered b...
Cavendishia melastomoides var. albiflora (Klotzsch) Hemsl. var. albiflora LuteynCommon locally in pa...
Cavendishia atroviolacea LuteynUpland pastures Erect shrub to 3 meters rooted in deep humus over ro...
Vaccinium wilburii Almeda & BreedloveRidge with Pinus, Quercus, Clethra and Cleyera Epiphytic shrub...
Cavendishia uniflora LuteynSteep roadside slopes through cloud forest. Terrestrial shrub 1-1.5 m ta...
Eugenia chrootrichoides ProctorWooded limestone hillside Straggling shrub with pendent branchlets. ...
Myrcia sessiliflora McVaughWet cliffs and precipitous east slopes Shrub 2 m. tall
Henriettella lawrancei Gleasonthick forest Shrub 8--9 ft., fls. very fragrant; petals white; stamen...
Piper pictamentum Trel.On rocky hillside Shrub up to 6 ft. tall (mostly 3-4 ft.). Leaves more or l...
Cirsium hookerianum NuttallHooker's thistle;white thistlechardon de HookerCirsium hookerianumCrandel...
Cavendishia amplexa LuteynTerrestrial shrub to 2 m tall. Floral bracts pinkish to red. Calyx trans...
Eugenia farameoides A.Rich., determined by F.R. Barrie 2004Mountain slopes and coastal planins, in t...
In front , good specimen of Erica caffra in full flower with the browning mass of Erica demissa behi...
Erica hermani E.G.H.Oliv., determined by E.G.H. Oliver 1993Sandy with dense short fynbos Locally fr...
Erica procaviana (E.G.H.Oliver) E.G.H.OliverGrowing from rock crevice in massive rock with E. aspect
The inclusion of the genus Philippia Klotzsch within Erica L. is formalized for the region covered b...
Cavendishia melastomoides var. albiflora (Klotzsch) Hemsl. var. albiflora LuteynCommon locally in pa...
Cavendishia atroviolacea LuteynUpland pastures Erect shrub to 3 meters rooted in deep humus over ro...
Vaccinium wilburii Almeda & BreedloveRidge with Pinus, Quercus, Clethra and Cleyera Epiphytic shrub...
Cavendishia uniflora LuteynSteep roadside slopes through cloud forest. Terrestrial shrub 1-1.5 m ta...
Eugenia chrootrichoides ProctorWooded limestone hillside Straggling shrub with pendent branchlets. ...
Myrcia sessiliflora McVaughWet cliffs and precipitous east slopes Shrub 2 m. tall
Henriettella lawrancei Gleasonthick forest Shrub 8--9 ft., fls. very fragrant; petals white; stamen...
Piper pictamentum Trel.On rocky hillside Shrub up to 6 ft. tall (mostly 3-4 ft.). Leaves more or l...
Cirsium hookerianum NuttallHooker's thistle;white thistlechardon de HookerCirsium hookerianumCrandel...
Cavendishia amplexa LuteynTerrestrial shrub to 2 m tall. Floral bracts pinkish to red. Calyx trans...
Eugenia farameoides A.Rich., determined by F.R. Barrie 2004Mountain slopes and coastal planins, in t...
In front , good specimen of Erica caffra in full flower with the browning mass of Erica demissa behi...