Cavendishia amplexa LuteynTerrestrial shrub to 2 m tall. Floral bracts pinkish to red. Calyx translucent pale to whitish-green. Corolla rose-red basal 3/4, white distal 1/4. One plant seen with only a single flowe
Shrubs or small trees, usually spiny. Leaves opposite, alternate or fascicled, exstipulate, simple, ...
Perennial herbs, with a short, often strong-smelling rootstock. Lowest leaves in a basal rosette, hi...
Trees or shrubs, containing a milky juice, trunks usually unbranched and with pulpy wood. Leaves in ...
Cavendishia megabracteata LuteynPremontane cloud forest (virgin) Scrambling terrestrial shrub to 3 ...
Cavendishia atroviolacea LuteynUpland pastures Erect shrub to 3 meters rooted in deep humus over ro...
Cavendishia melastomoides var. albiflora (Klotzsch) Hemsl. var. albiflora LuteynCommon locally in pa...
Cavendishia crassifolia (Benth.) Hemsl., determined by J.L. Luteyn 1975In top of forest tree Shrub;...
Cavendishia uniflora LuteynSteep roadside slopes through cloud forest. Terrestrial shrub 1-1.5 m ta...
Cavendishia lebroniae LuteynSteep roadside with remnant forest vegetation. Terrestrial shrub archin...
Cavendishia sp., Developing inflorescence. Family Ericaceae, Subclass Dilleniidae
Vaccinium costaricense Wilbur & Luteyn, determined by R.L. Wilbur 1989Epiphytic 1.5 m. straggly shru...
Trees or shrubs, very rarely herbs or fleshy saprophytes. Leaves spiral, sometimes opposite or pseud...
Utleya costaricense Wilbur & LuteynEpiphytic shrub with winged branches to 1 m. Calyx green, suffus...
Vaccinium wilburii Almeda & BreedloveRidge with Pinus, Quercus, Clethra and Cleyera Epiphytic shrub...
Herbs, shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate or rarely opposite. Stipules present. Inflorescence various...
Shrubs or small trees, usually spiny. Leaves opposite, alternate or fascicled, exstipulate, simple, ...
Perennial herbs, with a short, often strong-smelling rootstock. Lowest leaves in a basal rosette, hi...
Trees or shrubs, containing a milky juice, trunks usually unbranched and with pulpy wood. Leaves in ...
Cavendishia megabracteata LuteynPremontane cloud forest (virgin) Scrambling terrestrial shrub to 3 ...
Cavendishia atroviolacea LuteynUpland pastures Erect shrub to 3 meters rooted in deep humus over ro...
Cavendishia melastomoides var. albiflora (Klotzsch) Hemsl. var. albiflora LuteynCommon locally in pa...
Cavendishia crassifolia (Benth.) Hemsl., determined by J.L. Luteyn 1975In top of forest tree Shrub;...
Cavendishia uniflora LuteynSteep roadside slopes through cloud forest. Terrestrial shrub 1-1.5 m ta...
Cavendishia lebroniae LuteynSteep roadside with remnant forest vegetation. Terrestrial shrub archin...
Cavendishia sp., Developing inflorescence. Family Ericaceae, Subclass Dilleniidae
Vaccinium costaricense Wilbur & Luteyn, determined by R.L. Wilbur 1989Epiphytic 1.5 m. straggly shru...
Trees or shrubs, very rarely herbs or fleshy saprophytes. Leaves spiral, sometimes opposite or pseud...
Utleya costaricense Wilbur & LuteynEpiphytic shrub with winged branches to 1 m. Calyx green, suffus...
Vaccinium wilburii Almeda & BreedloveRidge with Pinus, Quercus, Clethra and Cleyera Epiphytic shrub...
Herbs, shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate or rarely opposite. Stipules present. Inflorescence various...
Shrubs or small trees, usually spiny. Leaves opposite, alternate or fascicled, exstipulate, simple, ...
Perennial herbs, with a short, often strong-smelling rootstock. Lowest leaves in a basal rosette, hi...
Trees or shrubs, containing a milky juice, trunks usually unbranched and with pulpy wood. Leaves in ...