Camissonia guadalupensis subsp. clementina (S.Watson) P.H.Raven subsp. clementina (P.H.Raven) P.H.Ravenon pebbly dune above ocean corollas yellow with red dot
Agrostis capillaris Linnaeuscolonial bentgrassagrostide fineAgrostis tenuisFort Braggsheltered base ...
Abronia umbellata LamarckAbronia umbellatapink sand-verbena;beach sand-verbenaSan Diego Co., Califor...
Plantago lanceolata LinnaeusEnglish plantain;lance-leaved plantain;narrow-leaved plantain;ribwort pl...
Columnea septentrionalis C.V.MortonMoist forested crest of ridge facing the Pacific Epiphytic vine ...
Collinsonia canadensis L., determined by J.A. Peirson 2004Common on moist hardwood-hemlock slopes al...
Uroskinnera flavida Lundell ex R.E.Schult.on limestone rock Shrub; corolla yellowis
Oenothera wigginsii W.M.KleinSand hills locally abundant; corollas white, fading pin
Symplocos panamensis McPhersonForested slopes Tree 10 m; corolla, calyx and stamens white; flowers ...
Conostegia lundellii Gleason, determined by C.E. Schnell 1969Wet sand on granite; creek bed Shrub; ...
Gaura villosa var. arenicola Torr. var. arenicola Munzon sand dunes Petals pale lavende
Champia caespitosa DawsonShore collecting at medium tide. Temp. 16°C.; rocky shore, middle littoral...
Clematis occidentalis (Hornemann) de CandolleClematis columbiana (Nutt.) Torrey & Graypurple clemati...
Clusia chanekiana LundellWoody hemi-epiphyte; height 4 m.; fruits yellowish, tinged rose-re
Levenhookia pulcherrima CarlquistIn flats of hard packed sand of Casuarina woodland Corolla rose to...
Carlowrightia henricksonii T.F.DanielCalichified sand upland with short brush and prairie openings o...
Agrostis capillaris Linnaeuscolonial bentgrassagrostide fineAgrostis tenuisFort Braggsheltered base ...
Abronia umbellata LamarckAbronia umbellatapink sand-verbena;beach sand-verbenaSan Diego Co., Califor...
Plantago lanceolata LinnaeusEnglish plantain;lance-leaved plantain;narrow-leaved plantain;ribwort pl...
Columnea septentrionalis C.V.MortonMoist forested crest of ridge facing the Pacific Epiphytic vine ...
Collinsonia canadensis L., determined by J.A. Peirson 2004Common on moist hardwood-hemlock slopes al...
Uroskinnera flavida Lundell ex R.E.Schult.on limestone rock Shrub; corolla yellowis
Oenothera wigginsii W.M.KleinSand hills locally abundant; corollas white, fading pin
Symplocos panamensis McPhersonForested slopes Tree 10 m; corolla, calyx and stamens white; flowers ...
Conostegia lundellii Gleason, determined by C.E. Schnell 1969Wet sand on granite; creek bed Shrub; ...
Gaura villosa var. arenicola Torr. var. arenicola Munzon sand dunes Petals pale lavende
Champia caespitosa DawsonShore collecting at medium tide. Temp. 16°C.; rocky shore, middle littoral...
Clematis occidentalis (Hornemann) de CandolleClematis columbiana (Nutt.) Torrey & Graypurple clemati...
Clusia chanekiana LundellWoody hemi-epiphyte; height 4 m.; fruits yellowish, tinged rose-re
Levenhookia pulcherrima CarlquistIn flats of hard packed sand of Casuarina woodland Corolla rose to...
Carlowrightia henricksonii T.F.DanielCalichified sand upland with short brush and prairie openings o...
Agrostis capillaris Linnaeuscolonial bentgrassagrostide fineAgrostis tenuisFort Braggsheltered base ...
Abronia umbellata LamarckAbronia umbellatapink sand-verbena;beach sand-verbenaSan Diego Co., Califor...
Plantago lanceolata LinnaeusEnglish plantain;lance-leaved plantain;narrow-leaved plantain;ribwort pl...